Did Trump display an altered map of Hurricane Dorian showing Alabama on his way?


On September 4, 2019, US President Donald Trump gave a press conference on Hurricane Dorian at the White House. Some people, including the atmospheric scientist, Kait Parker, noticed that a graph that he had used looked a little strange.

The graph displayed by Trump appears to be a screen shot dated from a time chart of the National Hurricane Center indicating the likely path of Dorian. It also contains a black mark that deceptively indicates the path the storm is taking to sink deep into Alabama.

During the briefing, Trump asked an assistant to draw the map, then said, "Our original map indicated that Florida was going to be hit directly … it was going to be hit directly and it would have affected many other states. But that was the original map. And as you can see, not only Florida, but also Georgia was heading for the Gulf. It was what we originally planned and we took a right turn. "

We sent questions to the White House to ask why the black mark was displayed on the map displayed at the briefing and why Trump was displaying this map, which was obsolete for nearly a week instead of the current map. We have not received any answers to our questions yet.

Some have accused the White House of altering an official hurricane chart to retroactively justify a tweet by Trump who falsely stated that Alabama would be among the states "hit (much) harder than expected" by Dorian. Trump's tweet of Sept. 1 forced the National Weather Service to correct the minutes and say that Alabama would not be affected by the powerful hurricane.

When a reporter asked questions about the map, which looked like "someone took a sharpie marker" and drew it, Trump, who frequently accuses the media of uttering "false information." responded, "I do not know, I do not know, I do not know."

Although we still do not know who modified the map displayed during Trump's briefing on Hurricane on September 4th, we know that the picture and the so-called hurricane path that he represents do not appear in a time chart available to the public from the National Hurricane Center, which shows official projections of the path of the storm. It seems to have been drawn with a back marker. We therefore evaluate this statement as "true".


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