Director Larry Rudolph says Britney Spears could never play again


Britney Spears

Director Larry Rudolph says …

She can never play again

15/05/2019 00:00 PDT


Britney Spears do not go back to Vegas for another residence … not in the near future, and maybe never, TMZ has learned.

Our sources tell us that Britney is not physically or mentally fit to resume the rehearsals of the concert series, which was to begin in February.

Long time director of Britney, Larry Rudolph, says to TMZ: "As a person who guides his career – on the basis of the information that concerns me, all the professionals who work with it are informed of the need to know it -, which I understood is clear for I should not go back to do this residency in Vegas, not in the near future and maybe never again.

Rudolph is not involved in Britney's tutelage – has never been – and he only receives medical information that directly affect Britney's career. He says that Britney was 2/3 of the rehearsal run for the restart when she dad got sick end of last year.

As Rudolph said, "It was the perfect storm." We had to stop her show because her medications had stopped working and she was upset by her father's illness. " The residence, scheduled to begin on February 13, was put on the ice.

Rudolph tells us that it was always up to Britney to decide when she wanted to work and when she did not want it. "Last summer, when she wanted to go on a tour, she called me every day, she was horny, she did not call me for months, the crickets, she was n & # 39; 39 clearly does not want to happen now. "

As for the future, Rudolph says, "I do not want her to work again" as long as she is not ready, physically, mentally and passionately. If this moment never happens again, he will never come back. I have no desire or ability to get her to work again. I'm only there for her when she wants to work. And, if she wants to work again, I'm here to tell her if it's a good or a bad idea. "


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