Disc slipped | Chicago news: the strike is over and the musicians claim victory


From the Chicago Federation of Musicians:

Chicago – (April 27, 2019) – The musicians of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) voted unanimously today to ratify a new five-year contract providing for a salary increase of 13.25% and protecting their guaranteed retirement benefits. cost of health benefits of the musician. The new agreement preserves guaranteed minimum retirement benefits for current musicians and commits the parties to explore options to ensure the retirement security of new employees.

Previously from the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association:

CHICAGO – Two days after Mayor Rahm Emanuel offered to settle the dispute and after a full day of meetings at City Hall, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra musicians, represented by the Chicago Federation of Musicians (CFM) and la) reached an agreement in principle on the outline of a proposed five-year contract. If it was approved by all members of the orchestra and by the board of directors of the CSOA, the proposed agreement, pending, would end a seven-week strike – the longer history of CSOs.

Both parties thank Mayor Emanuel and his staff for their help.


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