Disco Elysium update includes ‘political vision quests’ that permanently change UI


The illustration for the article titled iDisco Elysium / i Update includes political vision quests that permanently change the user interface

Picture: ZA / UM

Disco Elysium: the final cut, a “director’s cut” from the original 2019 game, will introduce the “quest for political vision,” giving players a chance to further solidify the protagonist’s ideological leanings.

The final cut will come to PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC and Stadia next month, completing developer ZA / UM’s vision for the dialogue-rich role-playing game.

While these quests do not affect the main storyline, ZA / UM writer and narrative designer Justin Keenan has stated that they will introduce new characters and items as well as permanent changes to the game. Disco Elysium user interface. Although Keenan stopped before explaining what he meant by that.

“Really, these quests are meant to give players the chance to complete some ideological themes of the story and explore what really goes behind the political posture that the protagonist sometimes likes to engage in,” said Keenan Push the square (h / t Rock Paper Shotgun).

Disco Elysium is a game built almost entirely around choice. At some point, these choices give the protagonist the ability to subscribe to one of the four most important political ideologies in the world: communism, fascism, moralism, and ultra-liberalism. As with most decisions in the game, these beliefs also open up new dialogue options, but it looks like they will carry more weight in The final cut.

“These quests (or a version of them) have actually been planned for a long time, but unfortunately they weren’t made into the original version,” Keenan said. “The final cut was a great opportunity to revisit some ideas that have been on our minds for some time and do them really well.



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