There is some discussion on the websites regarding the potential pricing of Switch's next remastering. The legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Retailers' pre-order lists announce it at $ 60, and if there is no official confirmation at this point, people are wondering if it will be substantial enough to justify such a price tag. Below are some examples of tweets expressing doubts:
Of course, it is difficult to give a universal monetary value to an experiment. A game that may have to support a player for six months may be a one – time buy that is hardly touching for anyone else. Do the hundreds of hours we spent climbing and navigating Breath of natureHyrule means we would have gladly spent £ 300? Probably not, but we are again Take advantage of this full-price game, so it's understandable that we were worried about spending the same money on a Zelda that can be eliminated in just a few hours.
Nintendo's plans for additional content are unknown at this time. We would assume that there will be some integration amiibo, and the mystery of the number of players that he supports suggests that there may be some Four swordscomponent -sque in the works. Anyway, there is a precedent for adding content to this game – The DX version for Game Boy Color included various extras, with a photo shop and an additional dungeon featuring puzzles built around the revolutionary contribution of this system to Nintendo's portable lineup: Color. This is by no means the best example of Zelda dungeon design, but it offered something new to players who had already completed the original monochrome version.
So, can this version be worth $ 60, standing shoulder to shoulder with epics like Breath of the Wild that can suck hundreds of hours of your life? Well, it depends a little bit on your knowledge of the game. We do not remember being particularly short, but it's been a few years since we've played. Yes, thanks to some problems, it is possible to play quickly during your coffee break (the coveted record "Any%" is currently 4 minutes and 35 seconds), but otherwise, the average player will take about fifteen hours to beat.
Your speed may also depend on your propensity to replay games. We tend not to revisit Zeldas very long after defeating them – not only is there too much. other games to play, but every adventure with Link feels epic; an event that requires a little distance to digest and fully appreciate.
We understand, however, that many people replay them again and again, developing an intense familiarity with these worlds and the order of things. So, when a new player might wander for hours, rummaging and discovering pieces of the world, a veteran will be more likely to attack the next dungeon, knowing that exact road and element they need to unlock the path. It's the same with almost every game, Zelda or not – it's easy to know when you know where to go and how to get there!
It is therefore inevitable that players who know Koholint at the fingertips feel mutilated regardless of additions and changes to this new version. As A link to the past veterans had an advantage over beginners when they revisited this same Hyrule in 3DS & # 39; a link between the worldsthe simple familiarity with geography will reduce the duration of reading, not to mention knowing the dungeons upside down. This is undeniably inevitable with a remake: the price you pay to see an old world reinvented on a modern console.
In fact, with the way this game reframes the original, this remastering seems to be a complementary piece of A Link Between Worlds. The tweet below suggests that the poster would have preferred to see a sequel of Link's Awakening in the same vein, bringing players back to the world they first explored on Game Boy without recycling the same content.
We think there is an important reason for this situation. do not a sequel, but the feeling remains that people would be more willing to pay out of pocket for a game "reinvented" than for a complete remake without any additional attraction.
We expected the adventure to have a duration similar to A link between the worlds – fifteen to twenty hours – and of course, we love additional dungeons, or a second extended quest, or – better yet – an official version of the Link To The Past randomization algorithm, which mixes all the elements in each part, which means you can never know exactly where you will find the one you need. This is not for everyone, but it would keep hardcore fans busy with new players able to imbibe the nostalgic atmosphere of Koholint Island.
The Dungeon Challenge and Boss-Rush modes could help add value, although we have the number personally. Frankly, we would be happy to take a shorter and perfectly formed game on the inflated alternative any day of the week. You can not please everyone, but we've seen what happens when Zelda's games are completed unnecessarily. nobody wants another Triforce quest. Whether it is complete or not, we are delighted to see Koholint again and replay at the Ballad of the Wind Fish. So we have the feeling that Nintendo will make sure that the price of the ticket is worth it.
What do you think? Are you worried that the game is not paying enough for your money or is it enough to just go back to this unique world in big screen with Switch? Share your thoughts below …
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