Disney + Adds “Negative Portrayal” Disclaimer to “The Muppet Show”


12:12 p.m. PST 02/21/2021


Lexy perez

“These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now,” the warning read. “Rather than removing this content, we want to recognize its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to together create a more inclusive future.”

Disney + has added a content disclaimer to The Muppet Show.

On the series content details page, the platform posted a briefing note stating that the program “includes negative portrayals and / or mistreatment of people or cultures.”

“These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now,” the warning read. “Rather than removing this content, we want to recognize its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to together create a more inclusive future.”

“Disney is committed to creating stories with inspiring and ambitious themes that reflect the rich diversity of the human experience around the world,” continues the disclaimer. “To learn more about the impact of stories on society, visit: www.Disney.com/StoriesMatter.”

Disney’s Stories Matter initiative says the streaming platform is “reviewing our library and adding disclaimers to content that includes negative portrayals or mistreatment of people or cultures.” “Rather than removing this content, we see an opportunity to spark a conversation and open a dialogue about the story that concerns us all. We also want to recognize that some communities have been erased or forgotten altogether, and we are committed to give voice to their stories too, ”says the initiative.

Five seasons of The Muppet Show, which aired from 1977 to 1981, became available to stream on Disney + on Friday.

Other titles subject to notice include Aristocats, Dumbo, Peter Pan and Swiss family Robinson.

The Hollywood Reporter contacted Disney + for comment.


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