Disney + has a secret weapon that we do not talk about enough – BGR


While video streaming providers such as Netflix are replacing more and more cable packages on which consumers used to rely for the majority of TV and movie content they enjoy, the variations between the respective broadcasters become more and more important. Since most media, for example, often fall back to rank according to the selected provider and what you can watch where.

This is certainly important, especially with the arrival of newcomers such as Apple TV + and Disney +, which will be launched in November and use the constitution of their respective catalogs to recruit new subscribers.

However, there is an aspect of all this competition between existing and future streamers that is not sufficiently talked about or certainly tied with the exclusive content that they will convey – and that's what the experience will be like meeting their respective user interfaces. It may be that Disney + finally gets something good, according to the first reports, compared to the services currently available.

Source of the image: Disney

We already talk a lot about Disney + to finally offer Netflix a real time saver. It's not hard to understand the value, given the huge amount of content that Disney + will exclusively host beloved brands such as Marvel, Pixar and Star Wars. Indeed, the entertainment giant over the weekend has launched a ton of new movies and broadcasts to its streaming service, including the highly anticipated series The mandalorian which takes place in the universe of Star Wars and looks fantastic:

Here is the thing though. Put aside everything you've read about Disney + content for a while. Based on some initial criticism of journalists who played with a first version of the Disney + app, it seems that the service also has a secret weapon that can delight users and keep them happy. We are talking about a simple and clean user experience.

You are not a fan of auto-play trailers in the Netflix app? Of course you are not there. The Disney + app will not impose that, according to this report, which clearly states that users have the ability to watch movie trailers or not.

What about the huge content inventory of Netflix, which can sometimes make it difficult to search for new shows you like? Disney + will not do inventory the first day, so volume should not be a problem. Hulu, meanwhile, has its own problems – compared to much less content than Netflix, and it may seem like it takes forever to scroll through the choices vertically with the help of the application mobile. Similarly, at least in this author's experience, Hulu does not seem to know where you are in a television season, unlike Netflix.

Again, we all repeat that besides the strength of its content, Disney + has a chance to outrun the streaming pack based on the user interface of its application – the kind of thing that must be simple and intuitive, a clean experience so that users can access more quickly the content they like. "In principle, we wanted a simple and elegant experience," said Michael Paull, president of Disney's streaming services. The edge about the upcoming service and the application. "We want to make it easy. We do not want the product to hinder the content. "

The bottom line, according to early app trials, is that this seems to have been the case, with a sleek application that makes it easy to find new content, sort what you like and showcase important titles without to be intrusive. We'll see what users will think when the service is finally launched on November 12th.

Source of the image: Disney


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