Disney + ‘s Ahsoka would include Captain Rex


Disney + ‘s upcoming Ahsoka Tano series could feature the return of a fan favorite Clone Wars and Rebels character.

There’s a good chance fans will finally see Captain Rex’s live-action debut in the upcoming Disney + movie. Ahsoka series.

During a video of Kessel Run Transmission, host Corey Van Dyke speculated that among the many screen tests performed The Mandalorian Season 2, one included Temuera Morrison as Rex. According to him, “our sources said they saw the armor [of Captain Rex]. So I think if that’s the case, there’s probably been [a] screen test for Rex for Ahsoka series. Rex was going to be part of the Rebels sequel, so if they carry that over to the Ahsoka series, he’ll be there. “

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Morrison was ultimately cast in Season 2 as Boba Fett, making his official live-action debut as a famous bounty hunter outside of vocal cameos. However, given his history playing Commander Cody and all the Clone Troopers in the previous trilogy, there is still a chance for Morrison to play Rex. “They’re not done with Rex,” Van Dyke continued. “I’ve heard that Lucasfilm is very interested in continuing their story.”

Unlike Cody, who appeared in live-action for Revenge of the Sith, Captain Rex made his debut in The clone wars animated film alongside Ahsoka Tano, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. Although they didn’t get along at first, Rex and Ahsoka gradually formed a camaraderie and friendship through countless battles, even reuniting in The Clone Wars’ series finale to lead the siege of Mandalore. Although he first turned on the ex-Jedi during Order 66, Ahsoka helped free Rex from his inhibitor chip and restored his individuality. The two then faked their deaths to escape the newly formed Empire. They would meet later at the events of Star Wars Rebels, whose finale confirmed that Ahsoka and Rex managed to survive past the events of Return of the Jedi.

Ahsoka recently made her live-action debut in The Mandalorian episode “The Jedi”, played by Rosario Dawson. Teaming up with Mando to liberate a city ruled by a ruthless Imperial Magistrate, Ahsoka defeated the Magistrate and demanded that she reveal where Grand Admiral Thrawn was hiding.

Produced by Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau, Ahsoka Tano stars Rosario Dawson and will air on Disney +. The series does not yet have a release date.

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Sources: YouTube via ComicBookMovie.com

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