Disney's reorganized management team presents its reworked portfolio to initial buyers – Deadline


By unifying previously separate initial events for ABC and ESPN, and by adding Fox's acquired assets and a stream of mentions continuously, Disney has filled two theaters of media buyers and has played the successes (both verifiable and ambitious ).

From a business point of view, the presentation at the Lincoln Center has not spilled new news – which is hardly surprising considering that in the morning, the headhunter Disney bought Comcast's stake in Hulu for take full operational control of the service.

"Of all these developments, the power of the advertising portfolio we have assembled could be the most exciting thing of all," said Kevin Mayer, head of direct consumer and international advertising, who launched the presentation. "Today reflects this excitement. You attend the company's first presentation of the full suite of advertising-funded platforms in a unified event. "

Mayer noted recent changes in the company's approach to advertising. Rita Ferro has been entrusted with the reins of broadcasting, cable and digital during a reorganization last year. Technology and content distribution have joined the Mayer division's advertising. "The changes we have made allow us to sell as you wish," he said. "In this era of incredible choice, brands are more important than ever. And we have the best. "

When Mayer made a call from the advertising-funded brands, tiles were added to the big screen behind him.

Ferro has amplified the central theme that the company has the size and intellectual property necessary to compete with anyone. "Our industry is changing," she said. "What matters now is the relationship with the consumer. … It all boils down to giving consumers more choice. "

About 145 million viewers of Disney content per month are viewed on digital platforms, said Ferro, with 62 percent of the millennial generation in the fold.

The ACC network, which starts on August 22nd, was hailed. College networks, such as the success of ESPN with SEC, are considered resilient investments, even in a world that wants a smaller channel offer.


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