Division 2 developers rank high-level loot plans


Developers for Tom Clancy's The Division 2 have set aside their plans to implement weapons and higher-level equipment – the so-called "515 gear" that was originally expected to come in next week's Title 3 update. Today, the developers have backtracked, recognizing the widespread reaction of the community against the gear. would mean for the job that many have put in collecting and upgrading their stocks in the loot shooter.

By writing on the official blog of Ubisoft, the developers of Massive Entertainment have recognized that items whose current maximum ratio was 500 "would have been immediately exceeded and all the efforts you have spent on the min / max and the agriculture would have been in vain. "the first and most consistent complaint of the anti-515 crowd.

And it's not just about ranking at the highest total. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Encourages players to create a gear set suited to their playing style. 515 Gear would have had to abandon that style to get a better overall gear score, or stay with their hard earned and loyal guns. All this, from the arrival of the first raid of the game.

The developers acknowledged that they themselves had encouraged the development of loot / gear beyond just reaching a specific number. "We do not want the focus to be on the constant search for a better" Gear Score, "" when it comes to finding a style of play and a construction that you like ".

The third element of fans' concern over plans for 515 Gear is the fact that it would fall into the darker areas of the game. The developers have hinted that it could be available elsewhere, by l? lack of specific promise, but the players were unhappy with the risk that would have to be taken to search for, protect and successfully extract the first-rate products. Massive and Red Storm Entertainment's priority was to make the rough PvPvE playing field less intimidating and more interesting than its predecessor, but in the Dark Zones, friends can turn around at any time, and the loot is present. peril until the moment a helicopter lifts it.

While any massively multiplayer game will hit the crowd at one point, Massive's developers cited data from a public test server, as well as "intense internal discussions," and found the merit of that that the community was discussing on the forums.

It also means that Title Update 3 will adjust the difficulty and the gameplay, affecting the player's chances of survival, the difficulty of his mission and his checkpoints, as well as the time he has left for kill. Specifically, Massive said he wanted to make the Dark Zone "more fun and more rewarding", which is a permanent goal postponed from the hard representative as a glove he won in the first game. Division back in 2016.

Title Update 3 will also bring Dark Times, the eight-player raid scheduled for April 25th but delayed at the last minute. Dark Hours will reward players with exclusive loot, an exotic weapon and new equipment.

To "specify where to find Gear Score 500 items," Massive has implemented several changes in the Title 3 update, including an overall loot balance that reduces the risk of losing items that are lower than the character's score. More details are available on the blog.


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