DNA analysis suggests that people emigrated from Siberia to Finland 3,500 years ago


November 27 (UPI) – For the first time, scientists have used genetic analysis to confirm the link between Finland and Siberia.

Research has shown that Siberian ancestry emigrated from the Kola Peninsula to Russia in Finland several thousand years ago.

The scientists confirmed the link by comparing 3500-year-old bone and tooth DNA found from Bolshoy Oleny Island, located along the Kola Peninsula, to the DNA of remains of excavations from a 1500 year old water burial in Finland.

The results – published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications – provided new information on the genetic origins of early Finnish settlers.

"Our analyzes show that Siberian ancestry entered the Bolshoi population about 4,000 years ago," Ceils Christos Lamnidis, researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Science, told UPI. 39, history of the man. "The first strong evidence of Siberian ancestry is observed 500 years later in the Kola peninsula, but it is possible that Siberian ancestry was present in Fennoscandia before that time. 39, Siberian ancestry arrived by many waves. "

The new study also showed that the Sami people, an indigenous people now living in northern Scandinavia, once lived in the southern half of mainland Finland.

When scientists compared the DNA of the ancient aquatic burial – remains belonging to an Iron Age people living in the Levänluhta region, in the west of Finland – to the DNA of the Sami people, they discovered a similar genetic profile.

"We checked whether each sample Levänluhta individual shared more genetic information with a set of world populations than Finns or Saami today," Lamnidis said. . "The absence of significant differences in such a comparison indicates that the Levänluhta population is genetically more closely related to the Saami of today and less closely related to the modern Finn."

Genetic similarity explains the significant concentration of Siberian genetic signatures still present in the genome of the current Saami.

"It is suggested both historically and linguistically that the first inhabitants of Finland were Saami
Lamnidis said: "This study offers the first genetic evidence for this hypothesis, based on ancient DNA."

But while the new research provides insights into human movement in the region between 3,500 and 1,500 years ago, the settlement of Fennoscandia – the region encompassing Finland, Norway, Sweden and parts of Russia – remains poorly including.

The authors of the new study acknowledge that more genetic analysis is needed to broaden the history of ancient human migration in the region.

"In our study, we show that this ancestry is absent from the Baltic countries in the Bronze Age, but present among Estonians of today, which raises the question of when to find out. ;ancestry
Lamnidis added: "Older DNA studies from Fennoscandia could also help identify when this ancestry has arrived."


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