Do not arm your drone, warns the FAA


The FAA has issued a notice and sends emails warning owners of drones and the general public that the manufacture of weapons by drones is illegal.

The notice, released yesterday and titled "Drones and Weapons, a Dangerous Blend," warns that there are not only guns on drones that will put you on the wrong side of the law – other "objects" dangerous "will be too.

"Maybe you have seen online photos and videos of drones with guns, bombs, fireworks, flamethrowers and other dangerous objects," writes the FAA. "Do not plan to attach such items to a drone because using a drone with such an item can cause significant damage to a person and your bank account."

The useful illustration included in the FAA electronic warning. Image by the FAA.

The armament of a drone specifically constitutes a violation of section 363 of the FAA's 2018 Reauthorization Act, entitled "Prohibition of Weapons", which reads as follows: "No person shall may operate an unmanned aircraft or an unmanned aircraft system equipped with a dangerous weapon. "

A "dangerous weapon" is any item used for (or likely to cause) serious bodily injury or death.

If you are caught with a drone made with weapons, you incur a heavy fine of $ 25,000 for each offense. This is an amount that will cause "significant damage" to most people's bank accounts.


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