Do not vote in the second round of the Senate!


Pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood urged Georgia Republicans at a rally on Wednesday to ignore the upcoming Senate run-off, arguing that the two running Republicans must first support the demands of a special legislative session to investigate the defeat of Donald Trump in the state. .

“They didn’t win your vote,” Wood said of the Senses. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. “Don’t give it to them. Why would you come back and vote in another rigged election, for God’s sake! Fix it! You I must fix it!”

The two rounds of January 5 will decide which party will ultimately control power in the US Senate. But Wood, who rose to prominence on the right after representing a Catholic student in Covington, Ky., In libel lawsuits, has repeatedly encouraged Trump supporters to boycott the race in an attempt to gain attention on what he insists as massive fraud in the state’s electoral infrastructure.

There is no such fraud. Georgia says it has proven President-elect Joe Biden won the state, and local GOP officials have urged Trump and his allies to respect that result. Nonetheless, Wood and other Trump activists say they want Governor Brian Kemp (R-GA) to call a special session to investigate the race, a call Kemp has so far resisted.


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