Do Prince William and Kate Middleton have a new feud with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?


Prince William and Prince Harry were thick as thieves, but in recent years the brothers have slowly begun to stand out. That is to say if we believe the rumors.

Since Prince Harry began attending Meghan Markle, the way the media describe the relationship between the two brothers has changed slightly. Rather than calm down over time, rumors have intensified.

Now, with a new era of public indignation directed against Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, a whole new quarrel could be going on between the royal brothers.

Why did Prince Harry and Prince William quarrel in the past?

Prince William and Prince Harry
Prince William and Prince Harry | Eddie Mulholland – Pool WPA / Getty Images

There is no doubt that Prince Harry and Prince William have very different personalities. Prince William, the heir to the throne, has always acted much more reserved and calculated than his younger brother, impulsive and playful. While these differences have always attracted the public, when Prince Harry met an American actress – Markle – and fell in love with her, it provoked a sharp discord between Prince Harry and his older brother.

It seems that the seeds of a quarrel were sown when Prince William did not immediately appreciate Prince Harry's new love. According to royal sources, Prince Harry was angry that his brother did not treat Markle more generously, and Prince Charles had to intervene to smooth things over.

Things intensified when Prince Harry informed Prince William that he wanted to marry Markle. Prince William would have advised him to exercise caution before making a commitment of this magnitude. Although Prince William probably wanted to give his advice in the best possible way, it is thought that Prince Harry was hurt and upset by the suggestion that he take things more slowly.

Over the next 18 months, rumors of quarrels only worsened, and when Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan separated their home from Prince William and Duchess Kate, many believed their relationship was broken.

Is there a new quarrel between Prince Harry and Prince William?

The reputation of Prince Harry has suffered in recent months, as well as that of Markle. The royal, who has become an activist for environmental awareness, has been heavily criticized for his repeated use of private jets. It is interesting to note that in the midst of the turmoil caused by the use of private jets, news has been announced that Prince William and Kate Middleton were spotted with their three children during a small-scale robbery. budget.

The message was clear: Prince William does not fear public transport, even if Prince Harry does. This coincidence could have been a one-off affair, but a second incident occurred that could lend credence to the rumors of the quarrel.

Only weeks after Prince Harry and Markle announced their visit to a local pub (a rumor belied by those who knew it), a newspaper article revealed that Prince William and Middleton regularly enjoyed quiet evenings in the town. one of their local pubs. The history of Prince William and Middleton shows in detail how the royal couple are friendly and that they look like "an ordinary family". One thing is clear: these conflicting reports serve only to present the Cambridges in a much more attractive light than Sussex. .

What could the future relationship between Prince William and Prince Harry look like?

It's hard to know what the relationship between Prince Harry and Prince William might look like in the future. However, with the upcoming visit of Prince Harry and Markle to Africa, this distance may give them time to reflect and reflect on their next steps.


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