Do you buy one of the new Apple iPhones?


Following the avalanche of leaks, we are all very excited about Google's upcoming Pixel 4. However, even though Pixel 4 may have been the biggest news of Android Police, the new Apple iPhone 11 has made headlines otherwise. Now that we have seen Pixel 4 and that a good chunk of our audience is reading these same words on an iPhone, we are curious to know how many of you may have already ordered one. new Apple phones.

I know that many of our readers do not like Apple phones very much. So we expect "no" to win a landslide. Still, I noticed that the number of people in comments regarding the use of the iPhone is increasing. Most people adhere to the work / personal telephone dichotomy, and there are advantages to riding both ecosystems: you can use all games and applications wherever they are, and use all of them. exclusive features.

Of course, it's not just platform agnostics that might be interested. Last year, when the topic was broached, a few people announced that they would migrate to Apple if the next set of Pixels did not suit them. Now that we have a good idea of ​​what to expect from Pixel 4, some of you may be looking at the iPhone Preorder page wondering if the grass is a little greener. (As a recent convert to iPad, I think about it myself.)

So, are you going to get one of the new iPhones?

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