Do you have to wash your chicken? The USDA report says it's a dangerous choice


RA chicken, slightly glossy, does not look clean enough to eat it. This does not mean that you should wash it with water. Although it is common for some – and even for the Legendary chef Julia Child has washed her poultry – scientists agree that flushing chicken is dangerous.

A report released Tuesday by the US Department of Agriculture is the latest in a long series of research aimed at linking poultry washing to the increased risk of falling ill. This is because raw chicken is often contaminated by Campylobacter bacteria, as well as Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens bacteria. Cooking chicken at 165 degrees Fahrenheit is all you need to destroy those bacteria and make the meal healthier to eat.

Meanwhile, washing the chicken easily spreads the bacteria on other surfaces and foods, thus increasing the chances of an unsuspecting encounter that would make people sick.

This survey was a partnership between the USDA and North Carolina State University. A total of 300 people were invited to prepare a chicken and salad in a test kitchen in the Raleigh-Durham area of ​​North Carolina or Lillington, North Carolina. All participants reported having experienced a washing or rinsing of raw chicken at home. Their reasons for washing included the intention of "removing blood / drool" or "because that's how family members do it".

These participants were divided into two groups – one who had learned before cooking that washing their birds was dangerous, and one who was not. When they started cooking, 93% of the first group had do not end up washing their chicken, while 61 percent of the second group did so.

Overall, preparing raw chicken next to a salad has created a potentially dangerous scenario. Twenty-six participants who washed their chicken accidentally transferred the chicken bacteria to their lettuce. But even when people do not have to wash their chicken, 31 percent always end up with a salad that was contaminated with chicken bacteria. This cross-contamination is due to "a lack of effective hand washing and contamination of the kitchenware".

"Do not forget that children, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems are particularly at risk," says Administrator Carmen Rottenberg of USDA's Food Inspection and Food Safety Service. "Washing or rinsing raw meat and poultry can increase the risk of bacteria spreading through your kitchen, but it's just as dangerous to wash your hands for 20 seconds just after handling these raw foods."

Investigators also found that 60% of the sinks and countertops in the test kitchens used by chicken washers were also contaminated with bacteria. In addition, 14% of these surfaces remained contaminated even after cleaning.

Fortunately, no one ate any of the prepared foods in the kitchen test.

The report further notes that although it is common to salt poultry in salt water, vinegar or lemon juice, this practice only perfumes the chicken. This is done do not destroy bacteria, and that bacteria, in turn, contribute to millions of cases of food-borne illnesses that hit Americans every year.

If you really want to remove the lime from your chicken, the best thing to do is to dab the area with a paper towel and wash your hands as soon as possible.


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