Doctor Who introduces two new types of Daleks


Doctor Who’s New Years Holiday special introduced two new types of Daleks, who go to war with each other.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for the Doctor Who New Year’s holiday special, “Revolution of the Daleks,” which premiered January 1 on BBC America.

Doctor WhoThe 12th season of the season ended in March 2020 with the Doctor taken to a cosmic high-security prison and his three companions on Earth, unaware that the Time Lord would not be returning anytime soon. But even without the Doctor, Graham, Yaz, and Ryan run into trouble on the New Years holiday special, “Revolution of the Daleks,” when their old acquaintance, Jack Robertson, leads a new project to deploy security drones across. Great Britain. However, they are not just drones; they’re based on the design of the Recon Dalek that attacked Earth in the 2019 vacation special, “Resolution”.

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Of course, these Daleks unsurprisingly end up turning on their creator and attacking the world. But they’re not the only new Daleks featured in this holiday special: “Revolution of the Daleks” debuts in an even deadlier version of the classic. Doctor Who enemies, the Daleks Death Squad.

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The Daleks Drone designed by Jack Robertson and his team is a sleek new black and silver model with streaks of light that looks like something Tron. But while they’re designed to be nothing more than roberts, Robertson’s chief scientist discovers alien DNA in the destroyed shell of the original Recon Dalek. He is then able to clone those cells and create his own Dalek, unaware of what the squid-like alien is really capable of.

Unbeknownst to the scientist, this Dalek is able to take over some of the assets of the Robertson Company and turn a facility into a Dalek farm. As a result, thousands of these new Daleks are cloned; when they’re finally transported to their robotic shells, the Drone Daleks are born – and they waste no time attacking the world and killing as many humans as possible.

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The situation seems hopeless. Fortunately, however, the Doctor returns to Earth with the help of Captain Jack Harkness. Once reunited with her companions, she hatches a plan to defeat the new Daleks using what she describes as a nuclear option: send a signal through the Time Vortex which will be picked up by a special race of Daleks, the Death Squad, which she refers to as SAS Daleks.

The Daleks are creepy creatures determined to exterminate anything in their path – yet there is an entire squadron known as the Elite Death Squad. These Daleks are more like the traditional modern version of monsters, only more effective at extermination.

The Dalek Death Squad follows the signal and arrives on Earth today to find the planet under attack by the cloned Daleks, whom they consider unclean. Therefore, the Dalek Death Squad makes its mission to destroy all Drone Daleks in order to eliminate this impurity. Even the original Recon Dalek, brought back to life by the scientist from Roberston, is considered faulty and, therefore, wiped out by the Death Squad.

The result is all-out war between Daleks in the skies of Britain, a war ultimately won by the Death Squad Daleks. And, when this problem is finally resolved, all that remains is for the Doctor to trap the Daleks of the Death Squad and send them packing into the void.

These two new types of Daleks join the larger ranks of the classic Doctor Who Monsters in a year that has already introduced several new Daleks in the Time Lord Victorious crossover event. The Drone Daleks are destroyed, but the Death Squad Daleks are simply trapped in the Void – and they could always come back for revenge on the Doctor.

“Revolution of the Daleks” stars Jodie Whittaker, Bradley Walsh, Mandip Gill, Tosin Cole, John Barrowman, Chris Noth, Harriet Walter and Nathan Stewart-Jarrett. The Doctor Who vacation special airs on BBC America on Friday, January 1, 2021 at 8 p.m. ET / PT.

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