Dodgers: It's time to end the Joe Kelly experiment


It was not supposed to be like that with Joe Kelly. After the 5-3 loss to Anaheim last night, Kelly's loss to Kelly dropped to 1-3, averaging 7.59 points. I had a kind of epiphany.

Moreover, I believed in this guy. Last winter, I had openly predicted that Kelly would be so successful; he would push Kenley Jansen for the closer role. Remember that the Dodgers have put in place incentives that would benefit an incentive that would better incarnate Kelly in December.

However, the player I saw at Anaheim on Monday night looked like nothing from the same pitcher I remember last October. This version of Joe Kelly would have given a draw to the next office member with an opportunity to win the match.

Instead, we all know what happened.

The disastrous round of Joe Kelly

After a walk, an intentional walk, another walk and finally a wild tone for the top cherry; I realized it. Kelly is a defective product right now and the Dodgers do not have the luxury of finding the buyer's remorse.

When you sign a high-price lifter during the off-season, you have no choice but to allow the guy to solve the problem on the fly. Except that it does not work, and the definition of madness is to keep trying to do the same thing for a missing result.

Of course, Kelly had the loss; and we will not review all his line of statistics that looks like a pinball display board. Looking forward and not back, it's time for the Dodgers to take charge of this situation and try something different.

Go ahead with Joe Kelly in Los Angeles

Kelly's "Bobblehead" party will take place on Thursday night at Dodger Stadium. Joking aside, it's time to put aside the failure of the experiment; for the time being.

Coming from one of his most fervent supporters, we are about not to think that Kelly is taking care of all this in the major leagues. Plus, I think Kelly showed some early signs of "Yips" in Anaheim on Monday night. If you do not know what this term is for, click here.

Kelly does not trust the ball in his hand right now. Without releasing statistics or in-depth analysis, it's time to send it to the minor leagues for a long-term re-education mission. All this as a result of a possible switch from the IL pill, regardless of the injury of that choice.

In the past, I was passionate enough to call him "Killer Kelly" and think it was the missing link in the Dodgers series of titles. Now, I'm passionate enough to write this short column and tell you if the Dodgers want to save her with Kelly; they have to change gears now.

There is enough time left in the season to allow Kelly to regain confidence in August and September and try it. If they do not take this step now, the cost will be unrecoverable.

How would you handle Joe Kelly?

I will not claim to be part of a baseball or front-office coaching staff. That's one of the reasons I have a job under the neon lights that does something other than baseball. However, I want to know how you are going to handle Joe Kelly now.

Were you a believer in Kelly when Los Angeles signed it – and do you think this situation can be saved? Finally, how do you envision this scenario in future chapters?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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