Does Alec Baldwin Done play Donald Trump? Why he is ready to stop pretending to be the president on television


Saturday Night Live has been mocking Donald Trump for years. Long before he became president, the humorous late-night show had made this real-life fool a kid's game, starting with a skit in 1988, in which Phil Hartman was the future commander in chief and Jan Hooks, his wife of the time. Ivana is offering glitzy Christmas presents.

Since then, several other actors have played Trump in the series, including Darrell Hammond, Jason Sudeikis and Taran Killam. But the best known of Trump's imitators is Alec Baldwin, who took over to replace him during the campaign for the 2016 presidential election. Baldwin says he's ready to hang up his wig and stop to ridicule the president on national television.

Why does Baldwin say that it's time to retire from Trump?

Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump
Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump | Will Heath / NBC / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

Baldwin's Trump had a huge success, even allowing him to win an Emmy in 2018. But he says it's time to move on.

"I feel like I'm done with this now. I'm so done with that, "said the actor in a recent interview with USA Today.

Make Saturday Night Live "I'm just crushing my weekends," continued Baldwin. Aged 61, he has four young children and his second wife, Hilaria, including a son who is just one year old. Nowadays, spending time with family is a bigger priority.

"My wife and I had a son a year ago and since birth I have worked at a minimum because I wanted to be there for my wife and children," he said. "But the party is over this fall and I will be traveling … now the weekends will become much more valuable to me because it's time with my kids."

Who, in his opinion, should take the place of Trump

Baldwin said he had not "invested much in Trump's impersonation." His choice for the good actor replacing him would be an enthusiastic person about the role.

"They should find someone who wants to do it," Baldwin said. He specifically singled out the former SNL cast member, Hammond.

"Darrell Hammond did it and is a much better impressionist than I'll ever be," Baldwin said. He also mentioned Anthony Atamanuik, who plays Trump on The President's show on Comedy Central.

Would Hammond be willing to return to SNL and revive his version of Trump? It's hard to say. He admitted that he was devastated when Lorne Michaels decided to use Baldwin's version of Baldwin on his take, which he had spent years perfecting. Hammond had even returned to New York in 2016, expecting to play a more prominent role in the show on the approach of election day, according to a profile in the Washington Post. He says that he was "shocked" when he was fired and that it took a long time to overcome the blow.

Will Baldwin really stop playing Trump?

Even though Baldwin says he "can not imagine" playing Trump again, not everyone is convinced he will quit. SNL. The Washington Post noted that this was not the first time he had suggested he was ready to move on, only to show up again in Studio 8H. He even admitted that his impression was "caricatural" – a criticism echoed by those who find his catch flat and a note.

Of course, there is one person who would be delighted to see Baldwin stop playing the president: Donald Trump himself. He made it clear that he did not think the actor's impression was very funny. Last year, he voted in favor of Hammond's return, calling him "funnier and more talented".


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