Does everyone have themselves with the name of Archie Harrison?


The wait is finally over and we have already watched the proud presentation of the next young royal arrive on the scene.

Images showing adorable baby pictures, videos posted around the world followed the official presentation of the 7th rank of the throne. Revealed in real time around the world, the title of the young Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor has been revealed to the eyes and ears of the public.

It's safe to say that most people were surprised by Archie's name. Let's see what people were expecting and why Meghan and Harry surprised everyone.

Speculation and betting

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, pose with their newborn son Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor | Dominic Lipinski – Pool WPA / Getty Images

While many were caught off guard with the unusual name, others thought it was a perfect choice for the couple and their adorable little boy who was bouncing. In the months and weeks that preceded the birth of this royal child, it was not announced whether they were expecting a boy or a girl, and the betting agencies were struggling to track all the bets that the British made on the new name.

Alexander, Albert and James were popular choices, while Victoria, Elizabeth and Mary's female preferences were all taken into account. To honor his late mother, there were lots of people who believed that Prince Harry and his beautiful wife would name their child Spencer for a boy or even Diana if it was a girl.

But, as he was raised with Meghan's education in the United States, they want their child to be raised relatively normally despite his status as king.

Normality and royalty

Think of it this way, the name Archie is the 18th most popular name in Britain and ranks much lower at 1,182 in the United States where her mother was born. We do not know if this is the more royal name of Archibald or even Arthur, and we could perhaps associate the name Archie with a role played by the famous comedian and British actor John Cleese. A fish called Wanda.

For those who have not seen this popular and award – winning British film, Archie 's (actually Archibald) Leech' s main character was only an ordinary, ordinary type, who 's not sure. muddle with the role played by Jamie Lee Curtis in the role of cute crook Wanda.

Spoil alert: At the end of the film, when he revealed what was happening to all the characters after the end of the plot, Archie ended up getting married, having a ton of kids and leading a relatively normal life.

In the spotlight

Unlike his older brother William and his wife Kate Middleton, who introduced their offspring to the world on the hospital steps just days after the birth of Prince George, Harry and Meghan waited a moment as they n & # 39; Are not afraid to do things differently.

In a video of the couple with Prince Harry holding his precious child, he hints that the baby has more than a few days. When asked who the baby looks like the most, Harry replied:

"Everyone says that the baby has changed so much in two weeks that we have (sort of) monitored how the process of change actually occurs this month."

Although we ordinary citizens did not know what was happening behind the castle walls, many speculated that Harry and Meghan did not want to share their joy with the rest of the world. Others think that members of the royal family have been able to put pressure on them so that they unveil the young prince to the public. Anyway, we were all happy to see little Archie if he was just two days or two weeks old.

The meaning of Archie's name

Although it may seem obvious, Harrison literally means "son of Harry". It is therefore a perfect choice for the first son of a king. The name Archie translates as "brave, bold and authentic," which is another honorable title for this little tyke. For those who did not know, the nickname Mountbatten-Windsor was the family name created in 1960 when the titles of the Queen and Prince Philip were combined.

In conclusion, in the months leading up to his birth, Archie called himself "Baby Sussex" by the press and the public. Would not it have been a kick if his middle name was actually Sussex in the honor of this historic and royal region of England?

In any case, the name of the little Archie testifies to the commitment of Harry and Meghan to do things in their own way and to allow the prince to lead a normal life despite his status as king.


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