Does Prince Harry want to be king?


Prince Harry is the beloved grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, who is also in the unique position of being surrounded by future kings. His father, Prince Charles, is next and his brother, Prince William, the second. Charles and William aside, even Harry's nephew, adorable Prince George, is in direct succession and will one day have the honor of being the ruling monarch.

Growing up, William and Harry were affectionately known as "heirs and savers". At one point, Harry was right behind his older brother in the running for the throne, but the birth of Kate Middleton and William's children pushed him further. Being king seems to be an enviable life, but the chances are slim that this will happen to Harry. This leaves many people wondering something very important: does Harry want to secretly become king?

Prince Harry still lives a life in the honor

Although it is unlikely that Harry will ever become appointed king, that does not mean that he does not have the same benefits. With fans around the world, Harry is certainly one of the most admired members of the royal family. Since he's married Meghan Markle, he's even more guarded because everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the new baby and can not wait to see Harry enter this new phase of his life. In fact, it is difficult for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to go anywhere without being followed by a multitude of photographers.

Prince Harry will bend the rules a little

As future king, Prince William will almost never succeed in breaking the royal protocol. That's why we almost never see Kate hold her hand and he has to follow the rules at all times. Harry, on the other hand, has to put his arm around his wife whenever he wishes and that he has even been known in the past to enjoy a good holiday or two. Although he is still considered a prominent member of the royal family, performing duties on behalf of the Queen, Harry definitely has a life easier than William.

Even Kate Middleton is scrutinized more

Kate Middleton is married to the future king, which pushes her to look at her a little more than the other women of the royal family. She must be careful never to depart from the royal protocol or break with tradition, unlike Meghan, who recently shocked the world by announcing her unique birth plan. Meghan does not seem to have to be as formal as Kate anytime, since Kate will one day be a queen consort.

Does Prince Harry want to be king?

Royal fans were quite surprised a few years ago when he said that he did not actually want to get on the throne. He understands that when a family member is in direct line of succession, he is fulfilling his royal obligations to the English people. However, this is not a position that Harry wants to maintain. Although there was speculation last year about the kind of king Harry would make and what it is to live on to the public, it seems that the Duke is extremely grateful for not to be the ruling monarch. from the country.

Prince Harry gets to live a calmer life

Now that Harry is married to Meghan, he can now lead a calmer life with his new wife and future baby. The royal life will always mean to some extent to be in the spotlight of the media, but the life of Harry and Meghan will always be a little simpler because it is unlikely that he will be named king. In fact, that's exactly what Harry always wanted.


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