Does Tayshia meet someone after a "Bachelor In Paradise?" She and JPJ had a real connection


The relationship that developed between Tayshia Adams and John Paul Jones was not what we expected, and yet, they became one of the most enjoyable couples (and adorable) to watch. Bachelor in Paradise. That's why their separation from last week was particularly shocking given their shared joy. However, this ship may not have sunk yet. Those who wonder if Tayshia goes out with someone after Beep should be happy to hear that his relationship with JPJ may not be over yet.

Admittedly, neither Tayshia nor the JPJ have confirmed their reinstatement, so until that happens, it is pure speculation. That being said, their various interactions on social media indicate that they are – at the very least – always on good terms with each other. Whether it's just a product of the fun times they've shared together this summer or a clue to the current state of their relationships, no one is assuming it at this point. But it bodes well for the possibility that their love story has been revived afterparadise.

In fact, Betches reported in August that Tayshia had posted a photo of her on a boat that looked strangely similar to that of John Paul Jones. When one of his followers asked him at the time if the boat featured belonged to JPJ, Tayshia dodged the question stating: "I live in Newport Beach, remember!" Tons of boats here! " All of this seems pretty plausible until you take into account the fact that she then completely deleted the message. Hmmm …

Even Tayshia's farewell message to Paradise was a little mysterious for some fans, mainly because it was not clear whether she ended up staying single at the end of it all or ended up finding the same. love, after all. She only says that her trip may not make sense to everyone. She wrote:

"Dear me, you have gone through a lot of things, I know it is difficult but I am so proud of you.You are strong, brave, intelligent, and you have received the gift of a beautiful heart. Stand strong and try not to get lost.Everyone will not understand your trip.It is good.It's not theirs to make sense, it's up to you . "

But no matter how you choose to interpret the message, it's the final promotion of the Beep Special meeting that offers the biggest clue that Tayshia is not as unmarried as she suggests to fans. JPJ is kneeling in front of Tayshia, who looks shocked, but not necessarily unhappy with what is happening. That does not mean that they end up being engaged (these promos tend to be rather misleading most of the time), but maybe he proposes the idea that they come together. both to make a big romantic gesture. (That's nice of him, after all.)

None of this is concrete proof that Tayshia is officially out of the market and is coming back with the Prom King of Paradise, but that's enough to give you hope that these two old love birds once found each other that the cameras stopped rolling.


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