Dogs play Halo Infinite, Minecraft in Microsoft Holiday ad


Microsoft’s vacation announcement takes a worrying turn this year, as a family of distracted pet owners focus on various Microsoft products instead of their dog. Oh, poor Rufus. But Rufus makes the best of the situation, dreaming of his own adventures with his furry friends.

Rufus the dog begins his journey through the house by visiting a playing teenager Infinite halo – initially slated for the Xbox Series X launch, then delayed to 2021. After receiving zero animals from him, Rufus walks away to find a more grateful human. He then finds his human mother using Microsoft Teams and gets his one and only pet for all the publicity. He later finds his two other humans playing Minecraft and Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Depressed, Rufus looks out the window to spot Sam, a dog companion who lives next door – who has likely gone through a similar journey in his own home. After Rufus falls asleep in front of the window, we follow him in his dreams. Here, Rufus is living his best life (although he still doesn’t get any pets, despite playing very well).

Rufus imagines himself with his new boyfriend Sam flying in the sky Microsoft Flight simulator before the two fall into an idyllic Minecraft world – with a giant fire hydrant. But even Rufus can’t escape working in his dreams, as he and Sam head to Microsoft Teams to meet Luther, Gunnar, Ruby, Ruca, Piper, and more.

Microsoft Holiday ad GIF of Rufus the Dog Making Master Chief's Pomegranate Alive

I don’t think D-Dog ever did this for Venom Snake.
Image: Microsoft / YouTube

Finally, Rufus and Sam play search with Master Chief, helping the Spartan recover a living grenade he “misplaced” moments earlier.

The ad ends with the message “these holidays find your joy”. But here at Polygon, we would like to add a line: “and cherish your pets.”


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