DOJ calls on U.S. lawyers appointed by Trump to resign


In an appeal Monday night, Acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson asked Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss to remain in office, where he oversees the tax investigation of Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden. John Durham, appointed special advocate by former Attorney General William Barr to reexamine the origins of the Trump-Russia inquiry, will also continue his work, but he is expected to resign as US attorney general in Connecticut, the official said. Justice.

The resignation request is expected to apply to 56 U.S. lawyers confirmed by the Senate and appointed by Trump.

Justice officials have scheduled a call with U.S. lawyers across the country to discuss a transition that is expected to take weeks. The justice official did not specify when the resignations would take effect.

The change of American lawyer is a routine operation, but often loaded with political connotations. In 2017, then Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked 46 Obama-appointed U.S. lawyers to resign. A handful of them were allowed to stay for a short time, but most had to leave immediately.

Mistrust of Trump-era appointees led the Biden administration to appoint a career Department of Justice official as acting attorney general pending confirmation by the US Senate on Merrick Garland, the candidate of the president to lead the department.
Garland’s confirmation hearing was scheduled to begin on February 8, but was delayed by former Judicial Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham who until this week when Democrats formally took control of the Senate objected to quick action on Garland’s audience.
Graham said he needed time to question Garland about the ongoing investigations and wrote a letter to Wilkinson on Tuesday urging him “not to intervene or cancel” the investigations.
Of the 94 U.S. lawyers in districts across the country, 25 are in acting positions after some Trump-appointed before Biden’s inauguration resigned.
Among those the Biden administration could keep for a while, according to those briefed on the matter, is Michael Sherwin, the acting U.S. prosecutor in Washington, DC, who is overseeing the broad investigation into the Jan.6 attack on the US Capitol. Sherwin is a career Miami prosecutor, but was installed in Washington by former Attorney General William Barr, and among the options Biden administration officials have discussed is to have him continue to lead the investigation into the insurgency, perhaps from the seat of justice, while making room for Biden’s. appointed to the DC office.
Less certain is how long the acting American lawyers in New York will stay in their posts: Seth DuCharme in Brooklyn and Audrey Strauss in Manhattan.
Some high-profile U.S. attorneys who had not resigned prior to Biden’s inauguration included U.S. Southern Ohio District Attorney David DeVillers, Utah U.S. Attorney John Huber, and Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney Scott Brady.
Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown had made it clear to local media that DeVillers was being replaced and had called for nominations, according to DeVillers is currently overseeing two high-profile corruption investigations involving a former Republican lawmaker and members of the Cincinnati council, which includes a Democrat.

Huber was first appointed by former President Barack Obama and then reappointed by Trump. During his second time as a US lawyer, Huber was tasked by Sessions to re-examine an earlier Justice Department investigation into the business dealings of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Huber halted his investigation, concluding that there was no reason to reopen the investigation, a move that angered Barr, according to people briefed on the matter.

Barr tasked Brady with reviewing the Ukraine and Biden family claims made by Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani.

The move was initially seen by justice officials as a way to dismiss Giuliani’s dubious claims – which Barr has publicly questioned – from other Justice Department cases.

But Brady took on the task, say former Justice Department officials, and pushed for investigative steps that led to internal brawls with the FBI and others. The status of Brady’s efforts on Ukraine remains unclear.

This story and its title have been updated with more reports.


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