Dominion Voting Systems Says It Will Hold Sidney Powell ‘Responsible For Any Harm’ Related To Allegations Of Voter Fraud


Dominion Voting Systems released a statement Thursday in which it planned to hold Sidney Powell and his associates “accountable for any harm” that may arise from the allegations of voter fraud it made in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.

The company, which supplies voting hardware and software to 28 states, has gained an increased public presence during this election cycle, in large part due to controversial claims by President Donald Trump and his associates about the company in recent weeks.

Dominion said earlier this week that its employees had been threatened – one worker even had a bounty paid on his head, the company said – as a result of the allegations. The company also posted a “rumor control” page on its website in an effort to tackle allegations of election conspiracy and fraud, which have been largely debunked.

Sidney powell
A November 19, 2020 photo shows Sidney Powell speaking at a press conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington, DC Dominion Voting Systems on Thursday criticized Powell for the “ savage and reckless ” allegations of electoral fraud made in a lawsuit she filed earlier in Georgia this week.
MANDEL NGAN / AFP via Getty Images

Although major media networks have called Joe Biden’s presidential election on November 7, Trump has yet to concede the race. Trump’s legal team has filed several lawsuits in battlefield states across the country since polling day, many of which have alleged ballots were illegally cast or mis-counted.

Powell was briefly an official member of Trump’s legal team after the election, but the president’s re-election campaign distanced itself from her earlier this week. Despite this, Powell filed a lawsuit in Georgia on Wednesday that contained what Dominion Voting Systems called a “bizarre electoral fraud plot” throughout its 104 pages.

Although Dominion noted in the statement posted on its website Thursday that it was not named as a defendant in the lawsuit, Powell mentions the company in connection with some of the alleged fraud incidents. “These claims in the Powell case do not make sense and are not supported by any presentation of evidence,” the company said.

Dominion’s statement continued by clarifying the history of its founding and correcting Powell’s claims that the company had ties to Venezuela, which Dominion says it does not have. The company pointed out that its voting system is certified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and said precautions were in place to prevent vote tampering.

“Sidney Powell’s outlandish and reckless allegations are not only blatantly false, they have led to stalking, harassment and death threats against Dominion employees,” the company statement concludes. “This criminal activity has been duly reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and we intend to hold Ms. Powell, and those who aid and abet her fraudulent actions, accountable for any harm that may result from it. “

Newsweek contacted Powell for comment, but did not receive a response in time for the post.


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