Dominion Voting threatens Sidney Powell with libel lawsuit


  • Dominion Voting Systems sent a letter to attorney Sidney Powell threatening to sue her for libel if she did not retract her baseless allegations about the company.
  • Powell, who was kicked out of the Trump campaign legal team, has filed numerous lawsuits to overturn the presidential election results.
  • His prosecution and public statements are based on a conspiracy theory that the Dominion has secret ties to foreign governments and reversed the votes from President Donald Trump to President-elect Joe Biden.
  • “Dominion has never supplied any machines or any of its software or technology to Venezuela, and has never participated in any elections in Venezuela,” said the letter obtained by Insider. “He did not receive $ 400 million from the Chinese in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election. He has no connection with the Chinese government, the Venezuelan government, George Soros, Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster.”
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Dominion Voting Systems is asking lawyer Sidney Powell to withdraw her presidential conspiracy theories, saying they are defamatory and threatening to sue her if she refuses.

“Your reckless disinformation campaign is based on lies that have endangered Dominion’s business and the lives of its employees,” the company said in a letter.

The letter, obtained by Insider, also focuses on the Trump campaign and right-wing media like Fox News, Newsmax and “The Rush Limbaugh Show.” He said Powell made “savage, knowingly baseless and false accusations” on behalf of “the Trump campaign as part of a coordinated media circus and fundraising program.”

Powell previously worked on the Trump campaign legal team alongside Rudy Giuliani, bringing lawsuits to overturn the presidential election results.

She claimed that Dominion, which offers electoral machines across the country, has secret ties to the regime of now-deceased Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and has developed technology that has reversed the votes from President Donald Trump to President-elect Joe. Biden.

“Dominion has never supplied machinery or software or technology to Venezuela, and has never participated in ant elections in Venezuela,” the letter read. “He did not receive $ 400 million from the Chinese in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election. He has no connection with the Chinese government, the Venezuelan government, George Soros, Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster.”

She has since been kicked from the team and has filed four federal lawsuits on her own.

All have failed. Not a single lawsuit by the Trump campaign or its allies in an attempt to overturn the election results has been successful.

Powell also raised money for a “legal defense fund” for the lawsuits. Giuliani continued to give media interviews peddling many of the same false statements Powell made while working with the Trump campaign.

The Dominion letter was written by Clare Locke, a law firm specializing in libel suits.

Powell did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment for this story.

Dominion refuted Powell’s conspiracy theory in Venezuela

According to Powell, Dominion has secret ties to one of its competitors in the voting technology industry, Smartmatic.

Dominion and Smartmatic have previously issued statements debunking its claims.

Earlier this week, Smartmatic sent a cease and desist letter to Fox News, also obtained by Insider. Network hosts have promulgated the same conspiracy theories on their own, as well as hosted Powell and Giuliani, who marry them on air.

Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani on November 19.

Jacquelyn Martin / AP Photos

Smartmatic indeed offered electoral technology to Venezuela more than ten years ago. He denounced the Chavez regime after officials announced results different from those found by the Smartmatic software, then ceased to operate in the country.

In its letter, Dominion reiterated that it has no connection to Venezuela and that its technology has been certified by the US Election Assistance Commission, which regulates electoral technology, as well as by individual states.

“Far from being created to rig the election of a now deceased Venezuelan dictator, the Dominion’s voting systems are certified to standards promulgated by the United States Electoral Assistance Commission, reviewed and tested by laboratories independent testing accredited by the EAC, and were designed to be verifiable and include a backup copy of the ballot to verify the results. “

The letter refers to an exhibit filed by Powell in his lawsuit that appears to have been edited to make it appear that the company was not certified in Georgia, which it is. Legal ethics experts previously told Insider that if such a change was intentional, it could lead to Powell’s deregistration.

Powell damaged Dominion’s bipartisan reputation, company says

Dominion has had Democratic and Republican controlled state and county contracts for years. Dominion has said that Powell’s campaign against Dominion reduces his confidence in the Republican Party, and therefore damages his business.

“While you are entitled to your own opinions, Ms. Powell, you are not entitled to your own facts,” the letter read.

Polls show that about three-quarters of Republicans don’t think the 2020 presidential election was fair. This follows weeks of attacks on the integrity of the election by Republican officials, many of whom cite false statements made in Powell’s lawsuits.

The Dominion letter refers to many false statements Powell made to the conservative media. She said she had several records of Dominion employees admitting wrongdoing, but had not released any of the alleged evidence. Dominion says its employees have received death threats over its claims.

“As I testified under oath, Dominion was recently placed in the national spotlight as part of a dangerous and reckless disinformation campaign aimed at sowing doubt and confusion over the 2020 presidential election,” said John Poulos, CEO of Dominion Voting Systems, in a statement. “People who make these baseless claims surely know that these are lies, and these lies have consequences.”

Read Dominion’s letter to Sidney Powell below:

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