Don Lemon of CNN told Booker "a good job" before going to the commercial sector during a public session, was arrested on social networks


New Jersey Democrat Senator Cory Booker, a presidential candidate, did "a great job" at a large-scale public meeting on CNN, according to moderator Don Lemon, who asked questions ranging from from the candidate's life to plant life to the potential that he will be elected as a single and perhaps have to plan a "marriage to the White House."

Lemon was picked up at the microphone just before the commercial break, assuring Booker that he was performing a "nice job." A nice job. " The two men shook hands as the camera pulled back and Booker thanked Lemon.

Booker has been asked many questions ranging from race relations to health care, repairs and climate change. He received an enthusiastic response from the audience when he agreed that the constituency was to disappear. It was time for the commercial break when the exchange took place.

It is unclear whether Lemon specifically referred to any of Booker's responses or overall performance. Some social media commented that Lemon could have just been friendly with the candidate.

The exchange caught the attention of many people on social media.

CNN has hosted several public meetings featuring prominent 2020 candidates including Senator Kamala Harris, D-Calif, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-VT, Senator Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn, Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-HI, former representative John Delaney, D-MD, South Bend's Democratic mayor, Pete Buttigieg, as well as potential independent candidate, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.


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