Donald Trump had the best golf round of his life last month


According to the US Golf AssociationTrump shot a 68 in April 2019. It's a remarkable score for anyone who's not a professional golfer but a really remarkable achievement for a 72-year-old man who happens to be also the president of the United States.
This 68 seems to be Trump's best lap ever – or certainly in the last eight years. ( says Trump had never reported a point in the 60s). Trump, like most golfers, reports some of his scores to the US Golf Association in order to maintain an official handicap (the number of shots you usually have on a golf course.) The most recent score that he reported before the April round of his life goes back to October 2018, the year he shot a 96, which, uh, is not so good.
In fact, over the last 20 rounds – dating back to 2011 – Trump recorded with the USGA, his last two are the lowest and highest he's shot. In addition to the 68 and the 96, Trump had 11 laps in the 70s and 7 laps in the 80s. His current handicap is 1.8, which is very very good. The handicap of 1.8 of Trump places it in the top 4 of the golfers who declare information on the handicaps, always according to USGA.

The question everyone will ask – did Trump really shoot a 68 to 72 year old ???? – It is impossible to answer this question because, well, I was not part of his foursome the day the act was accomplished.

However, there are two contradictory facts to try to answer this question in an enlightened way: 1) Trump is, in the opinion of all, a very good golfer and 2) Trump is a legendary golf cheater.

On the # 1, there are many testimonials from golf professionals testifying to Trump's skills in golf. Jaime Diaz, former editor of Golf World and chief editor of Golf Digest, has written playing games with Trump in 2013 and 2014:

"Our two rounds were played in the overhaul of his runs and were played with a lot of five-foot putts too generously, but I certainly did not feel that Trump shot in the '70s just because that he did not do it. " The ball strikes on medium length tees made him a legitimate handicap of 4 at the time. "

Trump's quotes to Diaz on his self-taught golf swing are epic. "I think golf is a very natural game," Trump told Diaz. "I've never really wanted to know more about my technique, I really trust instinct, golf and a lot of other things."
But there is also this counter-fact: Rick Reilly, a long-time sports writer, recently wrote a whole book about cheating Trump's golf course, titled: "Cheat Commander: How Golf Explains Trump".
Reilly recently told CNN, "He's cheating like a mafia accountant, he's cheating on everything, he's cheating on whether you're watching or not, he's cheating if you like him or not." Reilly also told CNN that Trump had hit two balls in the water when he was playing with Tiger Woods before claiming to have almost defeated the pro.

For Reilly, Trump's approach to golf is a window to his broader approach to life: he breaks all the rules and denies, denies, denies. Whether or not you remember what golf can reveal about Trump, it is clear that the president loves the sport and is very good compared to other men his age.

Is he "68" good? Uh …


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