Donald Trump Jr.’s call for questions to ask his dad goes exactly as you think


Donald Trump Jr. called for questions for his father, Donald Trump, when commenting on Evander Holyfield’s return to boxing on Saturday – and received a slew of critical suggestions he is unlikely to pose so soon.

The former president’s pay-per-view concert – which costs viewers $ 49.99 – has drawn heavy criticism from both sides of the aisle, given it falls on the same day as the 20th anniversary of the attacks terrorists of September 11.

In a video Trump Jr. shared on Twitter on Friday, he said he would definitely ask his father about aliens when they were in the comment booth and urged people to send him more ideas. topics for discussion.

“Is he going to advise the dude who is stunned to call the fight rigged?” cracked a Twitter user, referring to the former president’s penchant for spreading lies about the 2020 election.

“Will he try to rewrite history and tell us about his bravery on September 11 before or during the fight?” Added another, a search for whimsical memories of Trump’s attacks.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.

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