Donald Trump on antitrust technologies: "Something is happening"


In an interview with CNBC on Monday, President Donald Trump criticized the antitrust fines imposed by US technology companies in the United States, suggesting that these tech giants could be monopolies, but that the United States should be the political body fines settlement.

"Every week, we see them picking on Facebook, Apple and all those companies … The European Union is suing them all the time," Trump said. "Well, we should do that. These are our businesses. So, [the EU is] attack our businesses, but we should do what they do. They think there is a monopoly, but I'm not sure they think so. They simply think that it is easy money.

It is unclear whether Trump really wants to impose similar fines or whether he is only criticizing EU initiatives. "We have an excellent Attorney General," he said later during the interview. "We will look at things differently."

In recent years, the EU has fined some of the largest technology companies in the United States for their anticompetitive behavior. Last summer, Google was fined $ 5 billion for violating competition law with the company's Android operating system. Facebook has also been the subject of a handful of privacy investigations in the United States and abroad after the Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2018.

In response to the question of whether technology giants such as Google and Facebook were monopolies, Trump said: "I think the situation is bad, but obviously something is happening in terms of monopoly . "

Trump was also questioned about the measures taken by the administration to ban the Chinese manufacturer of telecommunications devices and infrastructure, Huawei, and whether he believed that the company posed a threat to national security or was relying on it. prohibition to negotiate a commercial agreement.

"I see it as a threat," he told Huawei. "At the same time, it would be nice if we did something about Huawei in our trade negotiations with China." This argument has been advanced in recent weeks by Trump, suggesting that Huawei's ban has been implemented only to persuade China to enter into a trade deal.


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