Donald Trump suggests that things could become "very bad" for Democrats who do not support his presidency


President Donald Trump has suggested to his supporters to be tougher than Democrats and that if they play really hard, things could become "very bad".

The commander-in-chief commented on these remarks in an interview with the far-right Breitbart newspaper, in which he said the left in American politics was playing a political game more "vicious" than the right.

"You know, the left is playing a tougher game.It's a lot of fun," Trump said in an interview published on Wednesday. "In fact, I think the right people are harder, but they do not play harder."

"I can tell you that I have the support of the police, the support of the army, the support of the Bikers for Trump, I have hard people, but they do not play hard – until they reach a certain point, and then it would be very bad – very bad, "he continued. "But the left is getting softer and harder – like all the nonsense she's doing in Congress … with all that investing[igations]. That's all they want, it's … you know, they do unpleasant things. "

"Republicans have never played this," concluded the president.

Trump's comments have been widely condemned by political observers and social media analysts.

"It's … a threat of fascist violence from the president?" The MSNBC host, Chris Hayes, tweeted on Thursday.

Meanwhile, Washington Post opinion writer Greg Sargent disagreed with Hayes. he tweeted"In fact, no, it's not a threat, it just says it could happen, and it would be very, very bad, so you'd better hope that's not the case." It's all the sense of the thing. "

Conservative writer Jennifer Rubin said that Trump's remarks resembled those of the former Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.

Trump's interview with Breitbart was not the first time that some critics were perceived by critics as an incitement to violence against his political enemies.

Last September, at a rally for Republican Senate candidate Josh Hawley, Trump said: "The Democratic Party[ic] The party is being held hostage by activists, angry mobs, Antifa, deep state radicals and their friends. . . They are so lucky that we are at peace. "

"The police, the military, the construction workers, Bikers for Trump … They travel all over the country … they were great," Trump said at the time. "But they are tough people … But they are peaceful people, and Antifa and everyone – they'd better hope that they stay that way."

Trump said he would like to hit a protester in the face and see him on a stretcher at a campaign rally in Las Vegas in 2016.

"The guards are very kind to him," Trump said at the time. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you." He then lamented – "We are no longer allowed to fight back" – and hinted that he was missing "the good old days" when the protester would be treated differently.

"Do you know what they did to a guy like that in a place like this?" Trump asked the crowd. "They would be carried on a stretcher, people."

Protesters regularly interrupted Trump's rallies during the presidential campaign. At an event that was held in Iowa in 2016, Trump told his supporters that he would pay the legal costs if they engaged in acts of violence against protesters.

"If you see someone preparing to throw a tomato, knock them out, do you want it? Seriously, agree? Hit hell … I promise you that I will pay the fees. I promise, I promise, "said Trump.

In 2015, Trump told Fox News that a Black Lives Matter activist who interrupted his rally was "so heinous and so strong" that "maybe he should have been brutalized."

Throughout his tenure in the White House, Trump also targeted journalists and their reports, frequently calling his coverage "false news" and stating that the press was "the enemy of the people". At times, Trump even appeared to applaud violence against the press.

"All the guys who can do slam – that's my kind," Trump said last October, while he was campaigning for Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte, who pleaded guilty to 39 – attacked a journalist in 2017. "- said a journalist … and he was already well-behaved, and I said," Oh, that's terrible. He's going to lose the election. "Then I said," I know Montana pretty well. "And I said:" I think it could help her. " And that's what happened. "

In February, the White House Correspondents Association called on Trump to let his supporters know that it was absolutely clear that violence against journalists is unacceptable.

The White House, meanwhile, said Trump "condemns all acts of violence against any individual or group of people, including members of the press."


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