Donald Trump warns that the presidency is stolen despite Mueller's anguish


Trump called on Sunday to ban Mueller from testifying in front of Congress – at a hearing that could be held as early as May 15 – while his anxiety had erupted in a double-barrel tweet that reversed a position expressed only two days earlier.

"After spending more than $ 35 million over a two-year period, we interviewed 500 people using 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI agents – all leading to a 400-page report showing NO COLLUSION – why would the Democrats in Congress now need Robert Mueller to testify … ", Trump wrote Sunday.

"Are they looking for repression because they hated seeing the strong conclusion" NO COLLUSION "? There was no crime except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the report), and NO OBSTRUCTION Bob Mueller should not testify.

The president spent months shaping the aftermath of the Russia inquiry. He clearly has no desire to see his story contradicted by Mueller's break with his public silence.

This is particularly the case since it appeared last week that Mueller wrote to William Barr to express his concern about the public presentation of his work by the Attorney General – which clearly favored Trump – in a letter to Congress in March.

"Despite the tremendous success I've had as a president, including perhaps the largest economy and the first two years of the most successful president in history, they lost two years of my life. (our) presidency (Collusion Delusion), we will never be able to come back ….. ", added Trump in a tweet later.

Sunday's explosions on Twitter came from Trump's surreal ability to overcome scandals and controversies that could undermine the viability of any other politician facing tough new tests.

On a day of trial on Monday, Trump's former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, will appear in a federal prison – in part for a conduct in which Trump would also have been implicated by prosecutors in New York.
The IRS promised Monday an answer to Treasury officials to respond to Democrats' demands to make tax returns that the Trump candidate has refused to reveal in a blaze of political standards.
Meanwhile, Barr has until 9 pm ET to respond to the request of the chairman of a Democratic committee to provide the unreduced Mueller report or to face the prospect of a contempt proceeding .

The tidal wave of challenges reflects the constitutional confrontation in Washington, as the White House seeks to thwart a war of democratic control on several fronts.

That the coincidence of several swirling scandals around the president on Monday seems to be a new norm rather than an aberration, is in itself an eloquent commentary of the Trump era.

Trump's public message to Barr

The White House and the Democrats are grappling with a difficult struggle to define the end of the Mueller report even if, for the moment at least, it seems unlikely that it will lead to a destitution crisis.

Trump's tweets were very much like a public message to Barr. Critics say that Mueller's report was presented in a way that was beneficial to the president.

Barr told lawmakers last week that he would not oppose Mueller testifying to the report that does not establish a plot between Trump's campaign and Russia, but does not say anything about it. Nor has there been any decision by the prosecutor as to whether or not Trump has obstructed justice.

Barr stepped into the void and decided that there was no obstruction for the president to answer, even though Mueller had provided evidence that appeared to indicate wrongdoing on the part of the president.

On Friday, Trump seemed unperturbed when the oval bureau reporters asked him if Mueller was to testify.

"I do not know, it's our attorney general who, I think, did a fantastic job," said Trump.

A weekend of reflection and clues showing that Democrats in the House are about to get an appearance of Mueller seems to have changed his mind about Trump.

It is unclear what would happen if Barr returned his will to sign a Mueller hearing held under oath last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week.

During his lifetime in the public service, Mueller proved that he respected the authority and the chains of command. He could therefore choose to submit it to the Attorney General if he blocks the testimony.

But it is also clear that he is worried about how his report has been interpreted. And as a private citizen, once his work as a special counselor has ended, he may feel compelled to put the facts in public.

If he does not show up voluntarily, the Democrats will likely issue a subpoena to demand the appearance of the former FBI director.

But even if Mueller agrees to speak, the scope of his testimony could be limited by respect for grand jury secrecy procedures and the need to protect classified information. His reluctance to protect ongoing investigations, which the Department of Justice cited as a major reason for redactions in the Mueller report, could also be a factor.

The prospect of Mueller's testimony – which had hitherto been theoretical – became real, if only for a short time on Sunday.

The representative of the Judiciary Committee of the House, David Cicilline, a Democrat from Rhode Island, said that an agreement had been reached for Mueller to appear on May 15, in a day that would be dramatic even by Washington standards.

"We think the American people have the right to hear directly from him," Cicillin said in "Fox News Sunday." "Obviously, until the day comes, we never have absolute guarantee."

A few hours later, Cicilline said that nothing had been agreed yet.

"This is the date proposed by the committee and we hope the special council will accept it. Sorry for the confusion," Cicilline wrote on Twitter after reports of his previous comments spread.

Peter Carr, a spokesman for the special council, declined to comment.

Schumer: Mueller's testimony is "imperative"

The leader of the Senate minority, Chuck Schumer, has grasped the growing expectations of an audience in the Mueller case, apparently attempting to make it more politically difficult to turn the White House back.

"We should hear Mueller's full testimony," Schumer said at a press conference Sunday. "Given the fact that Barr does not seem to be a neutral observer here, Mueller's testimony is all the more important."

While a rainy day prevented him from going to the golf course on Sunday, the president made a very frenzied conversation on Twitter, highlighting comments from political allies who supported his position on Mueller.

Pressure is mounting in Washington as the White House seeks out of the Mueller investigation and paralyzes demands for democratic investigations and surveillance.

The president said Friday that he was still in the process of deciding whether to let former White House lawyer Don McGahn appear before Congress. McGahn was a key witness of the president's behavior that the special advocate seemed to suggest in his report could constitute an obstruction of justice.

Trump sues to prevent his own accountants from handing over his financial records. The Treasury has exceeded the two deadlines for the return of the president's tax returns to another committee of the House.

The president and his children have also filed another lawsuit to try to prevent the disclosure of documents from two banks to another committee of the House.

Increasingly, the separation of powers is expected to lead to a legal mess that will take months to make its way to the courts – a scenario that may be appropriate for the White House as Trump's re-election campaign in 2020 is launched.

New York Times: Pelosi fears Trump does not give up power if he loses his reelection by low margin
In this race, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi issued an extraordinary warning in an interview published Saturday by the New York Times.

She told the paper that the Democrats were to win by 2020 with enough room for Trump to not contest the result.

"We have to vaccinate against that, we have to prepare for that," Pelosi told the newspaper.

Pelosi told The Times that she feared that Trump "poisons the public mind" and "challenges each of the races" if the Democrats did not win an overwhelming majority in 2018.


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