Donald Trump’s brutal day in court


“The remedy sought by the petitioners is the most spectacular invocation of the judiciary I have ever seen,” said Brian Hagedorn, a Conservative-elected judge, in a concurring opinion. “Judicial acquiescence in such proceedings founded on such a fragile foundation would do indelible damage to all future elections. Once the door is opened to the judicial invalidation of the presidential election results, it will be terribly difficult to close that door. It is a dangerous path that we are asked to follow.

An Arizona County judge, likewise, threw a suit brought in by GOP Chairman Kelli Ward. “The court finds no fault, no fraud and no effect on the outcome of the election.” Ward has vowed to appeal that decision.

A Nevada judge rejected point by point every claim filed by the Trump team, pointing out that the facts they presented were sparse and unconvincing. Carson City neighborhood Judge James Russell’s Opinion repeatedly stressed that their case would not have been successful “under any standard of proof”.

“There is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 Nevada general election was affected by fraud,” Russell wrote.

Jesse Binnall, lead counsel for the challenge launched by potential Trump voters in Nevada, said, “We don’t agree with the order. The case and the evidence we presented were compelling and damning. We have taken note of our appeal to the Nevada Supreme Court. ”

In one of the most significant cases – a lawsuit in Georgia brought by controversial lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood – a federal appeals court has dismissed an appeal to extend a restraining order made Sunday by a judge in district banning all modification of voting machines in three Georgia counties.

A unanimous panel of three judges from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the appeal without even hearing argument from the litigants.

Trump-appointed Judge Andrew Brasher suggested the appeal was a strategic error because the lower court judge was about to hold a hearing that could have allowed Powell and Wood to appoint experts to inspect the machines. vote in some counties in Georgia. .

“The plaintiffs would not take the district court’s ‘yes’ for an answer. They appealed instead. And, because they appealed, the evidence hearing was suspended and the case significantly delayed, ”Brasher wrote, in a notice joined by Clinton-appointed Judge Charles Wilson and Obama-appointed Judge Robin Rosenbaum.

Brasher also suggested that the issue was not as urgent as some of the cases cited by GOP lawyers. “The complainants here are not in the same situation as an inmate about to be executed or a patient removed from the intensive care system,” he wrote.

Appeals judges did not completely overturn Powell’s challenge, but the result of the appeals court detour is that Trump supporters wasted a week when they could have inspected voting materials or trying to convince the district court judge to freeze state voting materials further.

Shortly after the appeals court ruling, Judge Timothy Batten set a hearing for Monday morning on the GOP’s request to inspect machines in 10 Georgia counties. Powell and Wood did not respond to a request for comment.

In Michigan, a state appeals court launched a Trump campaign effort to block certification of Michigan’s results. The judges who issued decision 2-1 noted that although Trump’s lawyers delayed their last round of filings by several weeks, the state had gone ahead and certified the election, rendering the court challenge moot.

And in Minnesota, a Biden state won easily but had been on Trump’s radar before Nov. 3, the the state supreme court rejected The Republicans’ proposal for a full statewide recount and berated them for not serving their complaint to the county officials they called in their filings.


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