Donated Nintendo video games plummeted to Pa. Net record goodwill auction of $ 30,000


You might want to rethink the gift of that pile of junk you stashed in storage before giving it a proper rating. This could end up earning you 30 racks of money.

Someone made this mistake, not bothering to check the value of 27 vintage Nintendo cartridges before dropping them off at a Goodwill store in Hanover, PA. These cartridges sold on Goodwill’s auction website for $ 30,002, along with the gaming system itself, which went for $ 650, according to a statement from Goodwill Keyston Area.

The $ 30,002 that won all 27 games is the highest amount ever spent on the Goodwill auction site. The initial auction started at $ 9.99 and, thanks to 143 bidders, it reached the $ 30,000 for which it was ultimately sold.

The items were found by Nichole Garcia, a donation services representative. Garcia’s job is to sort through donated items to grab anything that might sell for a higher value on the US nonprofit auction website,

She found both the brand new Nintendo console and all of the games in their original packaging. For big Nintendo fans, some of the games included were Metal Gear, Low G Man, Bad News Baseball, Gyruss, and more.

“My brother-in-law sells collectibles and knows Nintendo systems and games,” Garcia said in the statement. “I took a thing or two from him and thought these cartridges would be interesting. He thought they would sell for well over $ 10,000. I had no idea the final offer would land where it did, but I was thrilled. “

Who knew that “well over $ 10,000” would end up being three times that amount?

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