Downton Abbey Review – IGN


Polish the refined China, combine your best fascinating and light up the kettle because the glamorous world of Downton Abbey has finally arrived in theaters, giving the six-season British series a lavish shipment that should leave the fans of Downton satiated. We are in 1927 and the Crawley family welcomes the most prestigious guests – King George V and his wife, Queen Mary, who offers a provocative setting to the servants and aristocracy of Downton, who are struggling to prepare the The creator of the series and scriptwriter Jullian Fellowes does not move from the small screen to the big screen – apart from its total duration – does not try to radically change the proven formula of Downton. Directed by Michael Engler, a Downton alumist, the film looks like a two-hour episode, which is not a bad thing since the series already had a cinematic aesthetic, with long panoramic views of the beautiful grounds of Downton and impressive follow-up plans following the film. servants in the busy corridors downstairs. Accompanied by Downton's long-time composer John Lunn, whose melodious melodies evoke a sense of grandeur appropriate to a film about royalty, this Downton adventure is part of the continuity of his television background.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Downton has always been Fellowes' up-and-down dynamic of stages in the television series, which gives equal weight to each character's story, high or low. As for the servants, the bow of Thomas Barrow (Robert James-Collier) is the most endearing and the most suspensive. Most employees are either satisfied or associated with someone they love, while Barrow's sexual orientation does not allow him to express himself freely during this period of history. Here, Barrow really learns to be dramatic, to learn to be yourself without getting caught by his colleagues, or even by the police. James-Collier gives an exciting performance while his character is also forced to abandon his duties as chief butler after Lady Mary (Michelle Dockery) replaces him by retired Charles Carson (Jim Carter), who, according to her, can properly prepare the house in time for the arrival of the king and queen.

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The comedic side of Downton moves up a gear as members of the royal family arrive. David Haig (Killing Eve) Mr. Wilson jokes with Carson about the differences between the roles of a butler and his own title, Page of the Backstairs for Her Majesty. Watching the staff of Downton trying to outdo the royal servants provides hilarious moments downstairs, but also upstairs when their quarrels reverberate in the sight of the people they serve.

At the top, Maggie Smith's portrait of Violet Crawley is stealing the show again – or a movie in this case. Downton's Tyrion Lannister has been honored twice by an Oscar, with Fellowes always offering him the best lines. She's as sassy and smart as she was in the series, but also a little more vulnerable this time around, especially when she confides in her granddaughter, Mary, about the future stability of Downton Abbey. The new cast member, Imelda Staunton (Harry Potter's Dolores Umbrage), in the role of Lady Bagshaw – one of Violet's cousins ​​- is a worthy new opponent and a verbal fighting partner of the Countess dowager of Grantham. Do not be surprised if you see Smith's name for a nomination or two this season.

Watch the trailer for Downton Abbey:

Downton Abbey also knows how to hold pomp and glamor, with enough demonstrations of opulence and fantasy to satisfy all monarchists. Engler's clever work behind the camera brings life to the floor in a quiet, silent way, without any quick camera movement, while life at the bottom is chaotic, with a lot of noise, frenzy and excitement .

Towards the end of the film, Fellowes' script is too fan-centric, because he makes sure everyone's story ends up in the end they deserve, which takes longer than necessary. But if you're a Downton fan, you can rest assured that all the characters, from Mr. Molesley (Kevin Doyle) to Lady Edith (Laura Carmichael), are enjoying a brilliant moment, even if it's not only a short time. Downton Abbey's film is definitely for long-time viewers, so if you're a beginner in Downton, make sure you gorge on six seasons before going out with the Crawley at the theater.


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