Dozens of Trump appointees ‘dig’ into Biden administration


About two dozen people appointed by the Trump administration remain in public service or on government advisory boards about two months after the start of the Biden administration, according to a new report from a government watchdog obtained by The Hill.

Accountable.US, a left-wing watchdog, has found that at least 24 people appointed by Trump have “burrowed” into public service jobs. The appointments mean that Trump-era officials will remain in those positions for the foreseeable future.

The report cites four people believed to have buried themselves in national security roles, nine who have taken on roles in environmental regulation and three officials from the Department of Justice. The allegations mirror those made frequently during the Trump administration about a so-called deep state of career officials obstructing the former president’s agenda.

Among those listed in the report as likely to burrow into the Biden administration are Acting US Attorney Prerak Shah, Brandon Middleton of the Department of Energy and Robert G. Cameron of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

“Because these types of positions usually go under the radar, filling them with antagonists in the Biden administration could sabotage progress on the many crises we face,” US President Kyle Herrig said in a statement.

The problem has already come to a head in some cases.

Michael Ellis, a GOP agent and ally of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, has been placed on administrative leave after Biden took office, pending an investigation into his appointment as principal lawyer for the National Security Agency in the final days of the Trump administration.

Biden last week sacked Sharon Gustafson, who was appointed by the former President TrumpDonald Trump Trump promises ‘More money for RINOS’, instead encouraging donations to his PAC Federal judge judges ‘QAnon shaman’ too dangerous to be released from prison Pelosi says the Capitol riot was the one of the most difficult moments of his career PLUS as general counsel for the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, after refusing to resign.

The president also signed an executive order early in his presidency restoring worker protection and eliminating Schedule F, a Trump-era policy that allowed some appointees to work their way into long-term jobs in public service.

The Accountable.US report also cited more than 100 appointments made by Trump in his past few weeks in office to place loyalists and allies on government advisory boards. These roles are not official government positions, but reflect the extent to which Trump has stockpiled commissions of former aides and donors in Washington, DC.

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And Russ Vought, the former director of Trump’s Office of Management and Budget, accused of delaying Biden’s transition, has been appointed to the US Naval Academy’s Visitors Council.

The Biden administration has taken steps to interfere with the appointments.

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