Dr Fauci chooses between Pfizer, Moderna and J&J vaccines on ‘Colbert’


On the first anniversary of the last pre-Covid lockdown Last showDr. Anthony Fauci visited Stephen Colbert on Friday to discuss America’s return to “normal”. During the interview, the host asked Fauci to pick his favorite from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

“I would choose the one that was most readily available to me,” Fauci said.

“All three are very effective. They have different characteristics: cold storage, one dose versus two doses, but if I walked into a clinic and wanted to get the vaccine and someone said, ‘You can have this vaccine now, or wait a few weeks to the next ”, the important thing is to get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect yourself, your family and the community. “

The immunologist added, “So I don’t have any favorites. I happened to take Moderna because at the NIH clinic [National Institutes of Health] where I am is the one they shipped to us, but if they shipped another one, I would have easily taken it.

Colbert then joked, poking fun at conspiracy theorists, “Do you know which one delivers the Bill Gates brain control microchip most effectively?”

Fauci responded with a smile, “Well, there are a few. A microchip from me, a microchip from Bill. “

While Fauci is unsure whether America will ever eradicate Covid-19 completely, he “guaranteed” and was “absolutely certain” that eventually things would return to normal in America, in part thanks to the scientific approach of the coronavirus from the Biden administration. .

“In every aspect of the effort is that before – earlier, under the previous administration – a lot of discretion, a lot of decision-making, a lot of authority was left to the states themselves,” said Fauci.

“What we have more now is cooperation, collaboration and what I would call synergy between the federal government and the states to get things done… I always felt throughout the past year that there should have been an interaction in the sense of synergy instead. to say, “This is what you do, and go do it.” If you’re doing well, if you’re failing, that’s your problem, “that’s not the best way to do it.”

Colbert also asked the Fauci practical questions, such as whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus and should they wear masks, and if they can go to the club. “No, you shouldn’t hit clubs until the virus level is so low that there is no threat of hitting clubs,” Fauci said.


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