Dr Fauci on FDA approval of Pfizer vaccine, approving Moderna and Johnson & Johnson injections


Dr Anthony Fauci:


What it is, Judy, is really the truly final imprimatur and the seal of approval. The FDA, as is its job, and it has done well, has meticulously analyzed every bit of data, in terms of vaccine effectiveness, vaccine safety, and also things the public do not know. appreciate, that is, inspecting the facilities that manufacture the vaccine to ensure that there is consistency in the production of the vaccine.

So I believe the people now naturally who felt, well, it was under emergency use authorization, does that mean it doesn’t really have full approval, well, even under the EUA, the experience we’ve had with the efficacy and safety should make people feel like it was a very, very good seal of approval, based just on the data we were getting.

But now that it’s official – and what that will mean, I believe, Judy, is that there are probably maybe 20, up to 30 percent of people who in good faith have estimated that they really wanted that ultimate approval before they felt comfortable getting the vaccine.

And we have about just under 90 million people eligible for vaccination who have not yet been. Hopefully this will get those 20 to 30 percent or so of people to decide that they now feel comfortable getting the vaccine.

Plus, it’s going to allow people who feel they want to mandate – I mean, it can be schools, universities, colleges, workplaces – who are reluctant to make vaccination a condition. for dating or employment or whatever, that’s going to feel a lot more comfortable now that you have an official seal of approval from the FDA.

So in two areas, I think it’s really going to have an impact on the number of people who get vaccinated.


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