Dragon Age 4 will reveal more this month


Looks like we’re in store for some more Dragon Age 4, folks. BioWare has released new short stories set in Thedas to celebrate Dragon Age Day and also said it is planning a new Dragon Age related reveal at the Game Awards on December 10.

The first Dragon Age 4 teaser was revealed at the Game Awards in 2018, so I admit I had already anticipated this year’s show thinking that BioWare might organize a follow-up. No more wondering, as they have now warned us in a press release that “the next reveal” for the future of Dragon Age will take place during the event.

As to what they’re going to show or announce, the hell, I don’t know. Maybe they will tell us his name. “Dragon Age 4” is just a guess and a placeholder for now.

So far, the things we know about the next game are slim choices. BioWare gave out another Dragon Age 4 teaser this summer that consisted of some pretty shots of surroundings, then a behind-the-scenes video (just above) that showed a lot of concept art and voice acting being recorded.

BioWare also released some very short new stories today set in the Dragon Age universe that they say “help paint a picture of the future of Dragon Age.” The stories don’t provide a ton of information to continue on, at least not to my out of practice eye, but might point to characters for the next game. The new shorts feature characters who also appeared in the longest-running collection of short stories released earlier this year, Tevinter Nights. I’m only halfway through the collection at the moment, but I recognize at least three of the characters in today’s stories from their appearances in Tevinter Nights. Based on some of the previous Dragon Age companion novels, this could very well set them up as secondary characters during part of the Dragon Age 4 story.

In other recent BioWare news, Casey Hudson and Mark Darrah have left the company. Hudson was the CEO of BioWare and Darrah was the executive producer of Dragon Age.

The Game Awards, the annual awards show that also manages to pull together a slew of trailers and announcements, premieres on December 10, so that’s when we’ll have our next – or maybe – be the first real – look at Dragon Age 4.

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