Duane Brown tweets sparkles Jadeveon Clowney's speculation at the Seahawks – ProFootballTalk


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The always risky practice of interpreting tweets does not prevent people from interpreting tweets.

Seahawks attack Duane Brown posted a tweet composed of six sets of big surprised eyes. Before joining the Seahawks, he played for the Texans and one of his former Houston teammates was currently tied to the Seahawks in a possible exchange.

The Texans clearly want to trade Clowney, and Clowney has resisted the signing of his franchise agreement, which prevents Texans from trading it. Since he apparently wants to be traded to the Seahawks or the Eagles, he would probably be inclined to accept the one-year offer if it is a precursor to be shipped to Seattle.

Over the enigmatic tweets, the offensive line player of the Seahawks, Germain Ifedi retweeted the tweet Brown tweeting a pair of eyes, which could mean that Brown shared everything that led him to tweet what he tweeted with Ifedi, pushing him to tweet what he tweeted. Or that Ifedi just amused himself in response to Brown's tweet.

The Texans reportedly spoke with the Dolphins about a Clowney exchange, Houston wishing to send Clowney with a first-round pick in Miami for the tackle Laremy Tunsil, and with the Dolphins who would like more.

The fact that the team negotiating for Clowney can not sign it for a multi-year contract makes Clowney less valuable than it would otherwise be. Regardless of which team acquires its rights, Clowney for a season on a tender of a $ 16 million franchise, with a 20% increase coming up for 2020.

Anyway with Brown's tweet, it's fun to read tea leaves or tweets, especially the day of the year when, from a transactional point of view, many things unexpected things can and will happen.


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