DuckDuckGo uses App Store privacy labels to call Google to ‘spy’ on users


Google is slowly updating its many iOS apps with App Store privacy labels, detailing the type of data it collects from users. The Google and Chrome apps were recently updated with these new labels, and DuckDuckGo is already using them to their advantage.

In a Twitter post this afternoon, DuckDuckGo challenged Google’s privacy labels for search and Gmail, while noting that the company only added the labels after months of blocking. DuckDuckGo has often touted itself as a privacy-friendly alternative to Google apps, and now uses App Store privacy labels as further evidence:

After months of blocking, Google has finally revealed the amount of personal data collected in Chrome and in the Google app. No wonder they wanted to hide it. Spying on users has nothing to do with building a good web browser or a good search engine. We would know (our app is both in one).

The DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser was the second most downloaded mobile browser in the United States (after Chrome) and, as you might expect, does not collect any data related to you, making it easier to get the privacy you want. you deserve online.

The image attached to the tweet shows side-by-side comparisons of the DuckDuckGo App Store privacy label, Chrome apps, and Google. The DuckDuckGo privacy label says it doesn’t collect any user-related data, but the same can’t be said for Google and Chrome apps.

Privacy labels for Google and Chrome show data like location, browsing history, financial info, search history, etc. are linked to the user for such things as analytics, personalization and third party advertising. None of this should necessarily surprise Google users, but DuckDuck is using it to his advantage.

The App Store privacy labels went live in the App Store in December. These privacy “nutrition labels” were first introduced at WWDC over the summer, with Apple saying the goal was to better educate consumers about the privacy practices of individual apps. The app’s privacy labels are divided into three sections: “data used to track you”, “data related to you” and “data not related to you”.

What do you think of DuckDuckGo using the App Store privacy labels to differentiate itself from Google? Let us know in the comments!

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