Duckworth vows to oppose Biden nominees due to lack of representation from Asian Americans


The opposition promised by Duckworth – which she says would not include “diversity candidates” like those backed by American, Hispanic or black caucuses in the Asian-Pacific Congress – comes as lawmakers and state advocates Americans of Asian descent have expressed frustration over their lack of representation in Biden’s cabinet. Members of Hill’s Asia-Pacific American Caucus had been pushing for candidates like Vivek Murthy and Julie Su to be named cabinet secretaries, but Murthy ended up being named surgeon general and Su as assistant labor secretary.

While none of Biden’s cabinet secretaries are of Asian American or Pacific Islander descent, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai is of Chinese descent and technically holds a cabinet-level position. Asian American Neera Tanden’s nomination to become Biden’s budget chief collapsed after opposition from Republican Senators and Sen. Joe Manchin (DW.Va.).

Most of the candidates for Biden who will be considered in the Senate this week are from diverse backgrounds, including Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Services Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Adewale Adeyemo and Assistant Budget Director Shalanda Young. Duckworth’s statement could be tested once, in the vote on Assistant Secretary David Turk, but Turk’s confirmation is unlikely to falter given his level of GOP support.

A besieged Pentagon candidate Biden, Colin Kahl, could see his fortune affected by the blockade promised by Duckworth if he persists. The Senate Armed Services Committee has yet to advance Kahl’s appointment.

Another Asian-American Democratic Senator, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, said later Tuesday that “I am ready to join” Duckworth in pushing back Biden’s candidates until his administration’s top positions include a better representation of Asian Americans.

“This is not about pitting one diversity group against another,” Hirono told MSNBC. “I think it’s a well-articulated and focused position.”

Asked what appointments the Biden administration might consider an Asian candidate for, Duckworth suggested the FCC, the Office of Management and Budget, or a future Cabinet secretary post.


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