Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson wants to drink tequila with his lookalike


Alabama Patrol Lt. Eric Fields went viral last week after people noticed his eerie resemblance to the “Jungle Cruise” star.

The story caught on to Johnson, who tweeted about it on Tuesday. Posting side-by-side photos of him and Fields, Johnson wrote, “Oh shit! Wow.”

Both men smile and pose in the same way.

“The guy on the left is a lot cooler,” Johnson added of Fields. “Stay safe brother and thank you for your service. Someday we’ll be drinking @Teremana and I need to hear all of your ‘rock stories’ because I KNOW you have them.”

(You can see his tweet here.)
Eric Fields, left, looks a lot like Dwayne Johnson.

Teremana is Johnson’s small batch tequila. During the pandemic, Johnson launched a program called “Guac on the Rock”, aimed at helping local restaurants.

As for Fields, he finds the comparison flattering. “It could be worse, I guess,” he told AL.com.

Fans agree, with a comment that Fields should apply to be Johnson’s “double stuntman”.


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