Dwyane Wade plans to train with LeBron James before the Lakers games, leaving the door open for the return: "You never know"


Miami Heat legend Dwyane Wade has just retired from the NBA, but he seems to be leaving the door open for a possible resumption of the game. He plans to stay at the NBA in case he decides to go into action. to have a little more. left to give the game.

"I'm done, but my coach will keep me in shape in case anything happens," Wade said of a possible comeback via the Los Angeles Times. "I'm going to stay in shape because you never know, never say never."

In order to stay close to the game, Wade, who now resides in Los Angeles, plans to train with his good friend and former teammate LeBron James before the Lakers games in the upcoming season, both in the facilities. from the team and at the Staples Center. (Queuing to speculate on a possible meeting between the two).

"You will definitely see me there," Wade said. "I'll be there early to coach with LeBron before the start of the game, I just want to stay in the game and stay as involved as I can."

Maybe Wade will finally be seduced by his retirement, but in the meantime, he is content to share his vast knowledge of the game with the younger generation of players in the league.

"What's cool is that I have an excellent relationship with all players," Wade said. "It's already something I'm doing." I'm working at the gym with guys like Ben Simmons and Josh Hart this summer in Los Angeles, so I'm able to pass on my knowledge to them, so it's not necessary for me to have an official I like to play basketball and whenever I can go to the gym with any of these young players, I will do it anyway. "

Wade has far surpassed his peak as a player, but he showed last season that he was still able to make a considerable contribution on the pitch. coming back meant a chance to chase another title with James.


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