E3 2019: How Keanu Reeves Got Involved With Cyberpunk 2077


Everyone was gasping when prolific film star Keanu Reeves revealed the release date of Cyberpunk 2077 on Microsoft's E3 2019 step. We know that Reeves will play the "legendary rockerboy" Johnny Silverhand, but the way CD Projekt Red brought the actor to participate in the upcoming RPG has remained a mystery – until now. We met the top designer, Miles Tost, to explain how the Polish developer recruited Reeves.

Reeves is a new addition to the game, which was approached about a year ago. When asked why Reeves and not another action star, Tost responded that Reeves was the ideal solution. Tost mentions his "rich background" [in] cyberpunky stores "- titles such as Johnny Mnemonic and The Matrix come to mind – and say" the roles he played really fit "to the team's vision for the game, calling it" a very good match " natural in paradise ".

Asked about Reeves' reaction to CD Projekt Red's investigation, Tost replied that Reeves was a "super cool guy" who "seemed to really be passionate about it and very passionate about the project and the role he was playing". Tost remembers a highlight during the pitching process where Reeves "really got into the role," playing the role of Johnny Silverhand.

It should be noted that although Cyberpunk 2077 is Reeves' newest video game casting, it has already featured in a handful of titles, including the action-adventure game Enter the Matrix, the cooperative shooter in the first person Payday 2 and the big name game Battle Royale. Fortnite.

Although the game will not be released until next year, Tost is confident that the team will set the project up and send it when it's ready. "Our studio is really a studio that puts quality above all else, and that also reassures me as a developer.I know we will not send this game if it's not ready before we decided to do it with that, I think the players will be able to wait for the kind of quality we had with The Witcher 3 and a few. "

Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on April 16, 2020 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. CD Projekt Red had previously announced a PC version exclusively North American, but quickly changed their minds to the outcry of his fans.

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