E3 2019: Season 2 of Apex Legends begins in July, here's all that adds


Respawn spoke at the pre-E3 event of Electronic Arts, EA Play, to talk about the upcoming launch of Season 2 for Apex Legends. The updates include a new legend called Wattson, a new weapon, new Legendary skins and more. Season 2 is nicknamed Battle Charge and begins July 2nd.

The centerpiece of the new season is the introduction of Wattson, a young prodigy of technology. An animated short film presented his background and his powers include a defensive electric wall.

The next season will be based on challenges, not very different from Fortnite, and the challenges will pile up so you can finish several over a weekend if you have not played in a while. Daily and weekly challenges will be available, and Respawn will remove items such as badges and statistical follow-ups as a reward for new "content categories". You can also earn metal work.

A new classified mode is coming too. Ranked will include six levels ranging from Bronze to Apex Predator, and you will get special relationships with others of your rank. You will even get additional bonuses based on your rank at the end of the season.

The presentation also revealed four new legendary appearances: Caustic (Prince of Darkness), Octane (Jade Tiger), Spitfire (Intimidator) and R-301 (Iron Rampage, at level 100, plus a golden version). The new L-Star plasma gun also comes from Titanfall.

As mentioned above, a new weapon – the Titanfall L-Star – is on the way to play. It will be extremely powerful and can only be obtained with drops of air. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on one, you will not be able to get extra ammo for that. At the other end of the spectrum, Mozambique, the most dangerous country in the game, is starting to improve.

The Apex segment has ended with an exciting tease of a dragon or some kind of massive creature. Respawn did not say much, but something very different will happen soon.


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