E3 2019 – Zelda: Breath Of The Trailer Wild Trailer Trailer And Theories


Nintendo always keeps the biggest surprises for the end, huh? Although Nintendo has completed its 2019 Direct E3 several surprise announcements, such as The Dragon Quest's Hero and Banjo & Kazooie joining Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as playable fighters, the biggest unveiling took place in the end. Nintendo reiterated that the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of Nature is already in development and revealed a new trailer that unveiled additional details on the worrisome sequel of the 2017 title.

Regarding the Breath of the Wild sequel, we know very little about it. Nintendo keeps its games very well, so the name, history, settings and characters of this sequel are still relatively unknown. In reality, the only thing we are sure of is that the game is being made. This new trailer, however, has given us some new details, and from there we can make informed speculations about what to expect.

Distribution of the trailer

The trailer begins with Link and Zelda exploring a cave that looks like a dungeon. Although Link has the same look as Breath of the Wild, Zelda has changed her wardrobe. Although her Breath of the Wild pants and blouse are still there, she has adopted a cloak and hood similar to the one that Link wears as a whole with hylienne armor. She also cut her hair by adopting a haircut much closer to Link's.

What is much more remarkable is the music playing. The use of the synthesizer creates a much more frightening atmosphere compared to the soft strings of Breath of the Wild. The sound, although slightly different, has already been used for a Legend of Zelda game: Twilight Princess. Comparisons with Twilight Princess continue throughout the trailer, while Link and Zelda deepen in the dungeon.

The duo encounters a dark energy that almost seems to infect the area and the creatures that surround it and comes from what appears to be the mummified corpse of Calamity Ganon (at least he looks like a male Gerudo). However, the energy itself is only channeled by Ganon. This actually comes from a shiny arm that squeezes the mom's chest. The arm is wrapped in gold jewelery, whose motives closely resemble the swirling symbols of the Twili – a race of individuals trapped in the Twilight realm after their (powerful wizard) ancestors arrogantly defied the gods of Hyrule.

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We then see a succession of fast editing scenes. The first shows apparently that Link is trying to channel and use the energy that makes the glowing arm shine. The next sees black energy sneaking into the ceiling. It is followed by a shot of Link and Zelda who touch each other before going to the opening of a crypt. Then we see Zelda's hand caught by the glowing arm and (perhaps) back to Calamity Ganon, who for the first time encounters the dark being that belongs to this arm. The presence of Link and Zelda then seems to awaken something in the grave, as the ground begins to collapse and the mummified corpse turns to look at them and opens its eyes with vehement hate. The trailer ends with the rise of Hyrule Castle and a wave of blazing blue energy – which still looks a lot like the magic used by the Twili (especially Midna, Zant and the other powerful rulers) .

What it could mean

Of course, all comparisons with Twilight Princess mean nothing. Some people complained that Breath of the Wild was just not dark enough in history. A similar complaint was addressed to The Wind Waker and Nintendo responded with Twilight Princess. The Breath of the Wild sequel might just look like Twilight Princess, because Nintendo is doing a similar fit to the one she made in the mid-2000s.

That said, it's a relatively plausible theory to assume that the Twili and Twilight Realm will be included in the Breath of the Wild sequel. First drafts of the original story of Breath of the Wild referenced extraterrestrial involvement. Obviously, that was cut. However, the Twili are a kind of stranger to the people of Hyrule. The dimension in which they live might as well be on another planet, and the last time they came to Hyrule (the events of Twilight Princess), it was an invasive force.

The events of Twilight Princess are also directly referenced in Breath of the Wild. When Link is knighted as the next hero of Hyrule and that he is endowed with the sword mistress, Zelda refers to the country's previous heroes. "[Link, you] were worthy of the blessings of the goddess Hylia, "said Zelda. To the sky, drifting, or plunged into the embers of twilight … The sacred blade is always tied to the soul of the hero. "Twilight Princess, canonically, takes place before the events of Breath of the Wild, then the Twilight Kingdom exists in the scenario of this Zelda game.

A connection to Twilight Princess however is not quite possible in the new trailer. Zelda's decision to adopt Link's look and the decision to join him in his next adventure could involve a co-op element. If it's not cooperation, then at least Zelda will be playable this time around. It would be really cool to finally play as a princess in the title of the franchise.


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