E3: Star Wars Jedi: A Gameplay Sequence Revealed


Star wars seems to be everywhere these days, with movies like Solo and The last Jedi hit in the last two years as well as TV shows like the next Mandalorian, novels, comics and more. And the publisher Electronic Arts (EA) introduced the first gameplay of the upcoming Star Wars Jedi video game: Fallen Order at its E3 EA P presentation in Los Angeles on Saturday.

Fallen Order will be the first major release of EA on PS4, Xbox One and PC since the release of Battlefront 2 (with a controversial bitter dish) in 2017.

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Padawan Cal Kestis is featured on the box of the Deluxe Star Wars Jedi Edition: Fallen Order.


At last year's E3 video game conference, EA sparked the enthusiasm sparked by Fallen Order, developed by Respawn, the beloved developer of Titanfall and Apex Legends. The concept is super exciting, and we are about to find out more today at EA Play Conference.

At Star Wars Celebration Chicago, we had a movie trailer telling the story of a Jedi who was hiding after almost all of his comrades were killed at the end of The Clone Wars, between Star Wars : Episode III – The Revenge of the Sith, and Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.

As part of its announcement, EA has promised that its next Star Wars epic will be story-centric, unlike the majority of Battlefront 2's multiplayer-centric, and will not feature "micro-transactions". can buy after paying for the game in the first place.

EA unveiled on Thursday the standard and luxury edition mailboxes to publicize its fans. The first shows the distribution of the game, while the second focuses on our Jedi hero. (We will probably discover the benefits of the luxury version delivered on Saturday.)

The game will bring balance to the Force on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on November 15th. Until then, let's look at what we know.


Cal is the main character of the game.


Which Jedi are we playing with?

Jedi: Fallen Order puts it like in Cal Kestis boots, played by Cameron Monaghan of Gotham and Shameless glory. He is an apprentice, or "Padawan" in the Jedi speech, who survived the 66th Order and lives under the radar as a result of Revenge of the Sith, the beginning of the elegant galactic empire of Emperor Palpatine.

We do not know how this apprentice avoided being shot when Clone Troopers attacked their Jedi allies on the order of Palpatine – maybe he had been taken to the toilet or had he called sick in Jedi class that day? – but we'll probably see how it happened in the game.

The game sees Cal live the quiet life on the planet Bracca, in the center of the galaxy, and work for the Scrapper Guild. It helps to separate the old capital ships from the clone war, no doubt so that the pieces can be used to build the Empire's Fantasy Pants fantasy or its secret Star Death Star.

"Do not stand out, accept the past, do not trust anyone," says Cal in the trailer. "Trust only the Force."

Clearly, it is the mantra by which he lives. A scene in the caravan sees one of his colleagues fall into what looks like a Sarlacc pit (a hole in the ground, seen in The Return of the Jedi, name Boba Fett) and Cal extends his head.

"Whatever you do, do not meddle inward," he says, referring to his latent abilities in the Force.

Since we know that Sarlacci (yes, that's the plural) can spend a thousand years digesting their victims, so it makes sense that Cal instinctively uses his powers in Force to save some of that bad spell.

We also see him waving a blue lightsaber with a fancy handle not like everyone we've seen before. Looks like this weapon has seen an actionso he probably belonged to an old Jedi with an awesome background – hopefully we'll learn everything about them during the game.


The poster of the teaser alludes to the magnitude of this adventure.


Does Cal have any friends?

The Jedi could be pariahs under the imperial regime, but Cal is not a loner. We discovered BD-1, a droid ally who seems to be with Cal for the whole game. The developers of the game have announced that it would have a scalable projector lamp. It is therefore likely that it has other features that you can also edit.

Legendary sound designer Ben Burtt, the man who created the iconic lightsaber buzz, Darth Vader's breath and R2-D2's beeps, will compose the BD-1. So, it will probably look pretty cool at least.

Cal will also have former Jedi Knight Cere, played by Madtv's Debra Wilson and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, as a mentor. That 's pretty much all we know of her at the moment, but she' s probably hidden after surviving the 66th Order.

the key art revealed Thursday shows a small, extraterrestrial brandishing blaster too. Presumably, we will learn more about this character during EA Conference the Saturday.

Respawn's team confirmed that Cal would have other allies, but has remained silent about them so far.


The second sister runs a pair of purge soldiers.


Who are the bad guys?

The second sister, a member of the imperial Inquisitorius Jedi hunter, will be on Cal's tail during the match. In the caravan, we see her hanging over the window of a ship and impressively using the Force to control her stick and clear her path.

This character had already appeared in the 19th issue of Charles Soule 's incredible comic book Darth Vader, but it was only a cameo. She is the second highest ranking inquisitor, a band introduced into the animated series Rebels CGI, so expect her to be rather lethal.

She will be supported by the purge soldiers, who investigate the Jedi sightings and are trained to fight them with the help of electrogostats. If they can not do the job, they summon the inquisitors.

These guys also appeared in the Vader comics, appearing for the first time in Issue 13, where it was revealed that they belonged to the latest generation of Clone Troopers, produced from there. Jango Fett DNA (as in Attack of the Clones).

Since the clones were better soldiers than Stormtroopers recruits, you can expect them to be much more difficult to eliminate in the game. And we can expect Cal to take him personally. he realizes these guys have the same face as the clones who slaughtered his Jedi family.

EA got ahead of the cosplayers by getting them on stage at Celebration Chicago, where Zampella took a selfie (which must be a violation of imperial military protocol).

What about gameplay?

We have not seen it, but the developers promised that it would involve a thoughtful fight in which you will have to measure each enemy, so that it will not be a Jedi power fantasy button masher.

Cal's lightsaber "will grow and evolve" during his adventure, confirmed the game's director, Stig Asmussen, at Celebration, suggesting that you can customize it (which would be great) or fix it (cool of 39, a narrative point of view).

The trailer sees Cal doing a little wall-style Mirror's Edge, so we should expect to see this kind of acrobatics given the Jedi's agility.

Monaghan also revealed that Cal was going to swim, with an Instagram message suspending him to a fun harness. It might just be in cutscenes rather than the actual gameplay though.

Will there be a sweet candy based on this game?

Oh yes, Star Wars and Merch are like prequels and gloriously clumsy lines. You can not have one without the other.

The Jedi: Fallen Order will arrive on October 4th, known as Triple Force Friday. There will be lots of toys, collectibles, books and clothes based on The Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian.

Are there any other Jedi games?

So much, but only a few are solo adventures. If you are looking for some strands of Force action to wind you up until the month of November, these are good options. Keep in mind that none of them is no longer part of the Star Wars canon – they were swept aside when Lucasfilm Order 66 had everything but the movies and the animated series The Clone Wars CGI in 2014.

Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast was released in 2002 and puts you in the role of Kyle Katarn, a conflicting Jedi who is essentially the Chuck Norris of the Star Wars universe, in the years following the Return of the Jedi. This amazing game is pretty dated at this point, but the lightsaber fight is a delight. It is available on PC, GameCube and the original Xbox, if you have one.

His sequel in 2003, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, is also excellent. You do not play the role of Kyle, which is sad, but you get a customizable lightsaber with dual-blade or dual-use options, which is great. You can play this on PC and Xbox.


The Unleashed Force was a big deal in 2008.


The Force Unleashed, released in 2008, is a game very similar to Jedi: Fallen Order. This one sees you playing Galen Marek, Darth Vader's top secret apprentice in the period between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Needless to say, he did not stay secret long and ended up being more Jedi than Sith.

It's a short but decent action game that has amazing production values ​​at the moment and that touches just about every gaming system on the market. The Xbox 360, PS3 and PC versions are the best.


Reading in progress:
Look at this:

Your guide to the colors of the Star Wars lightsaber


The 2010 sequel, The Force Unleashed 2, is not as well designed and ends on a cliffhanger that will never be resolved since the third was canned.

Knights of the Old Republic (AKA KOTOR) remains the biggest Star Wars game ever created, but this classic 2003 – set thousands of years before any movie – is more of a role-playing game than an action game. Still, you absolutely must play and follow it in 2004, then ask another EA.

There, it will take care of you for a few months.


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