EA DOWN servers: FIFA 19, Apex Legends, Battlefield and the most recent Origin status | Game | Entertainment


EA SERVER LOW – UPDATE ONE: EA Help Twitter has responded to server issues with FIFA 19, Apex Legends and Origin, among other EA services.

EA's help on Twitter has confirmed that they have "connectivity" issues.

They tweeted, "We currently have connectivity issues with our games and http://help.ea.com. We will post updates here as we receive more information. "

Down Detector has recorded a peak of more than 1,500 EA reports down and more than 800 FIFA reports 19 down.

ORIGINAL: Low EA server reports are pouring in nowadays and players are reporting problems with FIFA 19, Apex Legends, Battlefield and Origin today.

Independent Down Detector Down Detector has received an avalanche of EA server activation reports from around the world.

The fans of FIFA 19, Apex Legends and Battlefield, as well as the original users are among those who reported problems.

At the time of writing, Down Detector has recorded a spike of more than 600 EA drop reports and hundreds of FIFA 19 reports.

Players also visited the social networking site Twitter to report issues related to EA, FIFA 19, Apex Legends, Battlefield and Origin.

A tweeted: "Ea servers down?"

Another posted: "EA servers are down again, I hear".

We added: "@EA accounts or something down."

And another wrote: "Do not even do so much about fifa and when I do it, the servers are still down # FIFA19 #FIFA".

EA's official help, Twitter, responds to players affected by the crash, but has not yet tweeted separately about server issues.

However, the official website of the EA Help indicates that some games are down.

The site confirms on an online page that FIFA 19 is down with the servers PS4, Xbox One, Origin and PS4.

However, the FIFA 19 servers on Xbox 360 are still operational.

More soon…


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