Each Final Fantasy soundtrack broadcast on Spotify – Game Rant


The score of each video game plays an important role in the success of a good game. Final Fantasy the series is no exception. The scores, which have almost all been composed by Nobuo Uematsu, are now available to gamers, even outside the game, since each soundtrack of the main series has been added to Spotify.

To be clear, the main entries of the Final Fantasy The sound series are now available on the Spotify music streaming service. It means that fans of everything Final Fantasy game from the very beginning for the NDA all through Final Fantasy 15 can enjoy their favorite soundtracks just like Final Fantasy 15The protagonists listened to the classics Final Fantasy songs on the car radio. The entries of the MMORPG Final Fantasy 11 and Final Fantasy 14 see also their audio tapes added to the service.

However, there are still outliers that have not made the difference. Especially Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced and Final Fantasy X-2 's soundtracks are missing, although the original Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy 10 the soundtracks made the list. However, Spotify also creates several live concert versions of Final Fantasy available soundtracks, including Distant Worlds collections, so there should be plenty of them for players to enjoy.

final fantasy music

Surprisingly, no official announcement has been published regarding the addition of some of Square Enix's best video game soundtracks. However, the developer and the publisher are probably busy preparing for the E3 2019. Although Spotify is not known for its profits, a sufficient number of players broadcasting the soundtrack could potentially give a shot of financial thumb to Square Enix.

The developer has enough confidence in his upcoming projects to expect a significant increase in his profits for the company, and the list of Final Fantasy The soundtracks could play a small role in this regard. Of course, the big hits coming from Square Enix as Remake of Final Fantasy 7 where will the majority of his profits come from? It remains to be seen if Final Fantasy 7 Remake A soundtrack will be added to the service and, if applicable, a delay between physical CD releases and MP3 sales and their appearance on Spotify.

Final FantasyThe soundtracks of the series are now available in streaming on Spotify.

Source: GoNintendo


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